"People with good intentions often tell me we have an obligation to be "good stewards" of the earth. I must ask, who gave us this stewardship? Those who believe Genesis contains actual words spoken by God will say He gave us this stewardship when the earth was created, and I wouldn't dream of arguing with them. But people who know that the earth
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i suppose i think we are already well-equipped for mere survival, and that we would be like ungrateful children to mother earth if we only took from her what we need and just coasted until we died. think of it with the eyes of a mother, would you feel your children cared more about you if they did good deeds out of respect for your indiscriminate care for them, or would you be happier with them just surviving off of you for the rest of their lives and not giving anything in return? most mothers would say either would be fine, because her unbreakable love for her offspring far outweighs their own pride. but truly, all mothers want their children to rise to their highest potentials, and they would secretly love to feel gratitude for your creation and upbringing.
in my eyes, the world, the earth, is the mother of all mothers. right now most of us are just ungrateful children, and i agree wholly that a renaissance must and will occur.
i see your point about other creatures not trying to change the world...but do you really think all they are doing is surviving? i suppose i can't get around the idea i have that all living creatures possess, most times inconceivably to the human eye or mind, both a higher mind and purpose on this earth. indulge me for a minute if you will and think about all of the seemingly feral and unreasonable attacks on humans that animals make. is that survival? or could it be, perhaps, that they know exactly what is going on in their world...and that humans are a threat to their natural habitat...so they make a choice to lash out...to try to keep the balance, and in doing so they make a single attempt to better the world. i think its more than just trying to survive, its survival, yes...but also it's a conscious decision they make to be the one to step forth and do something about the problems they perceive in the world.
you see, i think it's not just us who needs this renaissance...it's everyone and everything in the world, which means it's the world itself who needs it. and it's not the world itself that can do it, it is the parts of its whole that make it grow stronger. and thus, the world needs more than survival from us.
Fear is the threat of survival and it is only natural to lash out and to protect. We are all one consciousness experiencing life simultaneously.
All I am saying about survival is that we only NEED things to help us survive. Which means too much of anything is not a good thing. I mean overcosuming in all means of the definition is bad. consuming is what we have to do. but in moderation. I think we should think more tribally as do the creatures of earth. the birds are flocks, the fish are school the dogs are packs and there are herds of buffallo...why not tribes of people?
I just want to encourage new ways of thinking and seeing to reveal that what others think is so important(material possessions) is irrelevant. People consume more and more to make up for what they lack...happiness. when it is just as simple as how the creatures around us are happy...they are surviving just fine. people are afraid of non survival so that is what they are scurrying around thinking they are trying to do when really there is an easier way. And then, we would all have time to enjoy what mother earth has given us and we can use what she has given us the way she would want us to do.
there is an easier way, you are right. and i agree fully that it has much to do with moderation or temperance, as the tarot calls it. i believe that, in the fool's journey through life, temperance is a necessary step to getting past the devil's grasp...surviving, yes...and doing so without falling into traps of excess.
and don't degrade your writing, please...don't make me hit you. you're the one who brings up the topics i always wanted to expand upon. without the things you write here, i might have never found the chance. the things you write tend to inspire more writing from me, and thus more writing from both of us in response to the other.
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