Feb 20, 2006 20:48
A while back I made a post about my review at work and how it didn't go all that well. My manager docked me bigtime points for not showing the initiative or desire to move up at the bank. As a side note--I thought that trying to do my job well was one of the biggest indicators, but whatever. I was determined not to let them ever say that about me ever again..(especially since it affected my bonus)...
So I started pursuing my promotion like mad. I had a meeting with my supervisor and manager and gave them an outline to demonstrate how i'd mastered my current position. They agreed that in less than six months I was ready for a promotion and that I had completely mastered my job. Great, right?
They wanted to put me into training at the next level, but the position (and the pay raise) hadn't formally been offered yet. I've been in way too many jobs where i've done the work without getting the pay and I was not going to let that happen again. So I was very assertive and told them that I really want to move to the next level and when they feel I am worthy of the position I will be thrilled to train for it, but until then I will continue to master my current position. Either i'm qualified and you move me up or i'm not and you don't. Don't try to give me some bull-shit story. With WSB just recently becoming a publically traded company, the steps to advancement were being re-worked and I seemed to be trapped. I was worthy of promotion, but HR didn't want to move anyone up since they knew the steps would be changing soon. That, my friends, was not my problem. If I am promotable now, promote me. Either way--the meeting with my superiors was good. For once in my life, I asserted myself when I would have rather stuck a fork in my eye. I put myself in as much of a win/win as possible--either I would get the ball rolling on my promotion (which means more money) or I would completely safeguard myself against the one thing I was downgraded on in my last review (and get more money).
I got my promotion this week. :)