Feb 19, 2010 23:01
There is supposedly a new Hanson album coming out in June called Shout It Out. I say supposedly because my only source for Hanson news these days is Oh No They Didn't, plus it seems like their last album was just released and so this would be record time for them. But then I looked it up and The Walk was actually released three years ago. Damn, Hanson Time sure flies when you forget they exist.
I can't post this on Facebook because I'll sound like an asshole, but I totally cringe when people post baby pictures on there. Sorry, but most newborns are just not cute. And you really don't need to post a new picture every time your kid blinks. It reminds me of that Gilmore Girls episode where Lorelai put the picture of the ugly baby on Rory's pillow:
Rory: I don't understand why people put pictures on cards.
Lorelai: Do they not understand we are unapologetic mockers?
Rory: There's an unexplained innocence in the world.