hello, world

Jun 14, 2007 00:16

This morning I came back from the gym in two problematic states: starving and late for work. In compromise, I grabbed a pack of smoked black cod and a pair of disposable chopsticks and headed down into the subway station. Fishing pieces of smoked black cod out of a narrow plastic bag with chopsticks, trying to move as little as possible so as not to stir up fishy air currents and give my fellow riders too much of a whiff, was truly awkward. But the fish was so good that I'm tempted to try to re-enact the whole scene tomorrow.

I've tried livejournal before, unseriously, but now I am trying it seriously? I want to dive into fandom and bully myself into learning to write fiction. Had been searching for some sort of NYC-based fantasy writers' class, but there doesn't seem to be much genre stuff that looks reputable - queries like [terry bisson writing class] didn't turn up much. So I've just signed up for a trial account on the online writing workshop in sff/horror. Susan's an admin on it, it appears, so I feel sort of safer, I guess. Maybe I'll read a few stories over the next couple days and try to get into the rhythm of things.

Reading Terry Pratchett for the first time in over a decade: Wintersmith. I finally feel like I "get" Pratchett now, and he's hysterical! The British are just funnier than we are - not much to do there but just grin and keep trying.
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