What I did over the holidays......

Jan 04, 2006 16:40

The more time that passes before I do this entry, the less committed I am to doing it. So here goes. This is what still stands out from my Christmas holidays.

I have a pretty awesome family. Now that I'm all grown up, I know about all the dysfunction that I never noticed as a child. The more I learn, the more surprised I am by it. My brother was pretty down over the holidays, which is why I wasn't able to get very much computer time. Mum is all nervous about her upcoming trip to India. Which makes sense when you think about it. I'd be nervous too. Dad was just dad, which is pretty awesome. I didn't get to see my grandfather (but I knit him slippers) and my grandmother seems to be holding up alright (I knit her a scarf).

A cute little new coffee shop just opened up around the corner from my parents house, run by a couple who are family friends. They were a little overtaxed around Christmas, so mum volunteered my services. I made some money. I learned how to make espresso. I learned the difference between a latte and a cappuchino. I drank alot of flavoured coffee. Exciting. It was a pretty sweet gig.

Christmas was...... well, it didn't feel like a holiday, it just sort of felt like any other day, but with an earlier dinner with more food. Tofurky turns out to be delicious. Gifts consisted of the usual run of books and organic bath products. The coolest gift I got was from my uncle who bought all of us what I'm referring to as 'a tea drinker's nalgene.' It's a clear, insulated cup with a twist on top and a built in strainer, so you can put a bunch of loose-leaf tea in it and just keep adding water all day. I drink a lot of tea now. The second runner up for best gift would have to be a mix cd.

I ate a ridiculous amount of food. In fact, I managed to gain 5 pounds (although the last time I weighed myself was in July) while I was home. It rocks. If I had been able to post more, I would have been writing odes to how much I love things like cheese and fruitcake.

The one Friday night I was home, I went out to the bar with a bunch of people. Most of whom I didn't know, but the ones I did know I hadn't seen in *years*, so there was an awesome reunion of sorts. Now, bars in Cornwall are notoriously dirty, filled with notoriously dirty people (think Kitchener, but half the size). I drank a bunch of 50 just because it was that sort of bar. Just to give you an idea of how dirty it was, I sold a bit of pot to the bartender, and counted it out at my table. Amusing. Highly amusing drinking in Cornwall is.

One of my friends that I was out with I've known since I was 12, but I hadn't seen in oh...... something like 6 years. It was a fairly joyous reunion over 50 (and later that cursed, wonderful substance Maudite) and after he walked me home we kinda kissed...... by accident...... a lot. And then he won me over with a mix cd (which always works wonders on me). The short version of the story is that the remainder of my visit turned into watching movies, having company at work, more of the kissing stuff, and cookies...... lots of cookies. And needless amounts of sitting around grinning like idiots. Seriously, you've never seen two people with such vast amounts of intelligence turn so incredibly dumb in a matter of minutes. It's funny. I finally find the guy who meets my list of requirements, including the incredibly superficial ones, and he lives five hours away. Awesome. (Actually, I think he might have been hiding in the back of my head when I made the list of perfect partner requirements.) I'm permanently stuck in Waterloo until April between working, class, and shows, and I've got this guy in Cornwall that I'm crazy about. Between work and his dog, Jesse's stuck in Cornwall, and he seems to be happy as a pig in shit over landing me. Oh right. I forgot about the dog. Jesse has a massive fucking dog named Chomsky who likes to jump on me and eat my glasses. I'm really trying, but I just don't like dogs (*something* had to make this guy less than perfect). Unless I hear otherwise, I'm going to have to let this one pass by the wayside. The distance thing is just...... it's really damn far, especially considering I'm busy every day of the damn week. This is probably a subject that I'll end up posting more about, as it plagues every waking moment of my life.:)

My train ride back....... VIA rail can be bastards sometimes. The two-hour stopover in Toronto didn't help matters much either.

Things are back to normal. Work is still work, and I still love working in a bookstore. I'm in the middle of a massive character collage for OCG to make up for the fact that I'm missing the first rehearsal. I got leered at by a Russian guy in my Russian drama class. The only thing that's not normal is that the old crew from Toronto is coming down to visit tonight. I haven't talked to Nick in about 6 months, and for Nirbo and Lauren, it's been about...... well, over a year at any rate. And now they're all coming to Waterloo for the first time in something like two years.

It's bound to be crazy, but I can't imagine it will be epic. Well, maybe epic. We'll see.

To my roommates, I apologize in advance.

update, friends, goodtimes, family, man of the hour, food, holiday

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