The Hamilton Random Legacy ~Part Two~

Feb 03, 2013 13:20

Woo, I played further in my game, taking more legacy-ish pictures xD
Well yeah….welcome to the blonde army :P

And we begin with a remodelled nursery which you are unable to see thanks to…this…thing…
even though it gets remodelled next time too

This is the other half though, just need to decorate the shelves xD

(this gets remodelled too because I kind of detest these shelves but the package set told me they looked good with the beds, and they really do not)

This is basically what was there before I moved into the house xD

The place where Nathan used the chemistry lab for the first and last time..

I like Courtney and Nathan’s room the best though :P

Speaking of Nathan, he reached level 10 in his career a while ago (earning $500+ an hour) so I thought I’d retire him..

The money is relevant because now I can complain his pension is only $80 a day -___-

Nathan: Yey!
Not yey…

At least this one earns $30,000 a week in royalties ^-^
And you get to see her as an elder :P

The awkward moment when I forget if this is Leo or Adam

At least I remembered this is Adam, who is kind of deprived of pictures xD
They all just look the same though, there is too much blonde!

Well I found Leo napping strangely on the wrong bed, darn cc

And literally all I do while she’s on maternity leave is get April to paint/research fashion concepts :’)

My baby is all grown up :3

And now we introduce the Hazel again to the chapter, though this is seriously not the last time you see her :P

You may get tired of her a little later actually

Hazel Elizabeth: :-(

I feel you, Hazel

Anyway I feel bad for always skilling April, so I got her to bond with Adam and teach him some life skills.
Apparently eating each other’s hair just gets their friendliness right up too…

I do love the nurturing trait though, makes skills so much easier xD

So whilst Nathan is working out (1 point away from reaching his LTW) I spot Eliza Summers!
(Sarah and Harry’s baby girl)

I really need to sort out that haircut though…

Look how pretty she is! :D

When confronted about their daughter’s beauty, this is what Harry and Sarah said:

(their direct conversation is the bullet pointed ones xD)

”little sexy beast”
You shouldn’t be attracted to your daughter, Harry

Meanwhile things are a lot less interesting at home xD

Courtney has been a real housewife (except for cleaning) in this house xD
Her cooking is level 8, for example, and she does all the repairs around the house :P

Example of Courtney acting like a spoon #1

Example of Courtney acting like a spoon #2

I really don’t know how she’s so highly skilled in cooking.

Oh, and as Nathan gains a Katniss braid in the bath, Peter simply balds…

*more April/Adam day spam*

Awww, they had a pretty boring albeit cute day together :P

Anyway, I think this is the first time you actually see Leo in his everyday outfit!
He’s pretty much a boy version of his grandmother xD

I forget which promotion this is but I swear every time he gets to work, he comes back with a promotion o.O

You know you’re young when you go to school with your brother’s little boy.

unedited title picture

So yeah he had some vaccination work to do!
Which I find tends to be absolutely impossible xD

It just looks like the woman is distressed and Peter is acting like nothing’s suspicious in front of the policeman…
To be honest I’d be as scared as she is….I hate injections….

I feel sims vaccinations are the stereotypical size of needles for those scared of them xD

Meanwhile, vampiric Bebe Hart joined in and I kind of fell in love with her eyes

This is the point of which I installed new eye defaults :D
Though you notice them better in CAS and with April’s eyes.

See, not that much difference :P

And why not throw Taylor Swift posters all over the house?
Even in the boys room

My favourite songs in my room, of course :3

Yep, as I said, the eye defaults show up much better on April :P
She is a pretty little thing :3

Now we move on to the portion of the chapter where Hazel Elizabeth takes priority :P

It’s the youngest of generation 2’s birthday :D

Hazel Elizabeth: *casually calling people she’s never met*

Hazel Elizabeth: Hey, I’m that kid you’ve vaguely heard about in passing so come to my house for a friend reunion and you shall receive plenty of cake!

Meanwhile Hazel’s brother visited the new café I placed in game, completely missing her birthday

Peter: Cookies over cake every time :-)

So I call the Hamiltons ‘the blonde army’
But now I welcome you to the elder army xD

Hey Chezzle!

(from left to right :P)
James Donaldson, Charlotte Stoker, Abby Donaldson and a mysterious romantic interest dressed in white xD

Asphodel arrived, the bride of Samuel (still no babies) and she also happens to be the sister of the white stranger :P

And Harry is there too xD

With a walking stick apparently

We both mourn the loss of the ‘Hazta Beard’

Sarah looking as sexy as ever, with a cat jumper on because why the heck not :P

With all the oldies aside, Hazel actually got to the cake

And these two did this for around 5 minutes and I have to say, I got really creeped out…

Samuel: *brooding in the corner*

Birthday time!

This actually looks kinda scary :’)

And Nathan’s little sister arrived too :D
She is called Robyn, and she is adorable, just saying.

Sparkling time, which we’re all familiar with

And she looks exactly the same xD

Until she sprouted braids and a weird outfit

She is quite a beauty, though, I’m kind of sad to see her go

The last of generation 2, everyone :-)

And I interrupt Hazel’s time to briefly show the conception of the next baby :P

But anyway, Hazel graduated the next day and Nathan turned up in his suit for her

She was also valedictorian, just like Peter :-)

So then I made her head straight to her soon-to-be-boyfriend-fiancé-husband’s house, and he is called Elysium Hayes :P

She just looks like she’s concentrating so much xD

Heh, I’m keeping the overalls because they amuse me

And practically instantaneously, they kiss

(Elizium: Elizabeth + Elysium)

Shortly afterwards I decided I wanted a grandchild outside of the main house :P

(idek what happened to his hair….maybe a gust of wind or something…I don’t…)

They then got married, and lived happily ever after:P

Also, I return to the main house to discover Leo is at the swimming pool for whatever reason though we have one at home xD

And April is pregnant again ;)

I love pregnant sims

Anyway, I decided to have her talk to Leo about it….and he made this face…

I love interactions like this

Adam isn’t to be forgotten about though either :D

Nearly there with the talking though xD

I decided to send April over to Hazel to tell her she was pregnant… and to see if Hazel was knocked up yet too

Hazel Elizabeth: HEY I’M MARRIED! Look at my ring just look at it, look at it, let me shove it in your face just LOOK AT MY RING GODDAMMIT

I imagine underneath the smile there is a hormonal war wanting to slap Hazel

April: HEY I’M PREGNANT! Look at my bump, just look at it

Well, so it turned out, Hazel could play that game too and I guess she’s invisibly pregnant :P

A few hours later, it was a little less invisible :3

I love the bedtime story interaction, and I love even more that Leo crawled into his mother’s bed while his dad was out :3

Grandmas tell the best stories, especially when they write them apparently :3

After April’s brief outings, it’s back to the drawing board…literally

And I can also see the start of a baby bump :D

Anyhoo, I also love that Leo is a snob xD
All he wants to do is preside over his court

Leo: Bitch I’m fabulous

Well April’s done most of Adam’s teaching, so as Peter was off work on the weekend I let him bond with his son a little bit

My little blondies are adorable


Baby bump development for the win :P

Nathan is still so close to his LTW, and he’s done it all by TV workouts and chess XD

Leo: Off with his head!

Leo: Off with it!

And it is at this point that Leo finally finds the costume box

So he promptly evolved into a dinosaur :P

More baby bump :P

But it is the middle of the night…whatever could this interruption be

Birth time :3

Definitely my favourite labour picture I have ever taken.

And it’s a baby girl :D

Her name is Rose Hamilton, named in a less-obvious homage to Primrose Everdeen of The Hunger Games :P

Although, her personality (excepting braveness) is nothing like her namesake, she is brave and evil!

(can’t resist)

Not only Rose, but a twin sister was born too :D

Her name is Piper Hamilton :3

Named after Piper from the Heroes of Olympus series :D

Anyway, with the twins’ addition, I sped up gameplay to Adam’s birthday a few days later :)

Hehe I have missed elastic children

I have a serious lack of male cc, but he’s still adorable :3

And Leo seemed a bit miffed that his brother had better robes than he

Adam: If you’re going to be a king, you got to look the part

Anyway, Leo decided he wanted to be an astronaut instead

Shortly after that, the girls aged up :)

Oh yay, we have another blonde

She’s a very cute blonde, however :D
And at least her blue eyes are her mother’s

Whereas Piper turned out to be a mini April :P

She really is adorable :3

eeeeek <3

Piper is actually just as cute though!

I actually really adore both of the girls!

And besides colouring, they are pretty much identical twins!

Anyway, I’m off to play some more, so thanks for reading the update :)

sims 3, the hamilton random legacy, thrl

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