Fic I Love
(because I always forget where I saw the good stuff)
Doctor Who
Seventh Doctor
Gen - Ace era
- Double Crossing by JessaLRynn: Ten and Rose, with Seven and Ace, at a sci-fi con. Ten/Rose, Ace & Seven friendship, That One Time Rose Got Stoned and Kissed Seven, Rose+Ace FTW. (R)
- ...Who Burned Like Starfire by nemo_the_everbeing: Ace's extraordinary birthday present. Very slightly shippy. (G)
- Falls the Shadow by nemo_the_everbeing: Ace pretends to be a Time Lady and the Doctor tires to quantify love. Oh, and whales save the world. (PG)
- In the Widening Gyre by Sophie Richard: Ace goes to the Academy, saves Gallifrey, realizes she's in love. The plot is strong, the relationship evolution believable, especially when it's...unresolved. (R-)
Eighth Doctor
- Non-Linear Love Story by rallalon: There are NO WORDS for how much I love this fic. None. Except to say that this is the epitome of Rose/Eight, and the third chapter (which can stand alone) is the most heartbreaking bit of Time War fic I've ever read, and the main reason that my headcanon includes both (a) Eight fighting in the war, and (b) Rose fighting with him. (R+)
- In Pocket by applecameron: Yeah, Eight/Five for real. One of those concepts you didn't mean to read, but then you did and, surprisingly, liked it. (R-)
Ninth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Gen - Rose era
- A Little Healthy Competition by rosa_acicularis: “Blimey,” she muttered under her breath, “you two should just whip ‘em out, measure, and be done with it.” Mickey and the Doctor get into a pissing contest about who knows Rose better. Rose is somewhat less than amused. (PG)
Gen - Martha era
Gen - Donna era
- Double Crossing by JessaLRynn: Ten and Rose, with Seven and Ace, at a sci-fi con. Ten/Rose, Ace & Seven friendship, That One Time Rose Got Stoned and Kissed Seven, Rose+Ace FTW. (R)
- Days and Hours by rosa_acicularis: Years after "Doomsday", Rose meets the Doctor in a grocery store, mere months after "Doomsday". (G)
- Shaken and Sweet Dreams by 2nd2ndalto: A h/c coda to "The Satan Pit", and an evolving relationship. (PG)
Eleventh Doctor
Gen - Amy & Rory era
Gen - Clara era
- Remnants by RC McLachlan: Astronomy and grief. Read it. Bawl. (G)
- PWP: Pie Without Plot by MajorEnglishEsquire, orange_crushed: It's like the bake shop AU, only it's not AU. Delicious cookies and shippiness. Also, Sam gets a girlfriend who doesn't die. (PG-13?)
- What Has Eight Tentacles and Isn't Allowed to Eat Pie? by scaramouche (Annie D): Tentacles without porn, not even crack. The octopus is totally the best Fall metaphor. (PG)
- We'll Stay Together Till We're Ghosts by MajorEnglishEsquire: This is totally how S9 should have started: Cas independent but making his way home, Crowley pseudo-unwillingly saving Sam, and Kevin Tran, Badass Fallen Angel Savior. (R+)
- Named by RC McLachlan: God is dead...long live Dean Winchester? Really I have no idea how to describe this, except it's good. (R)
- Highwaymen. by orange_crushed: Potterverse AU, in which the boys are Welsh (let us take a moment to imagine the accents), Dean is a cursebreaker, Sam is a squib, Cas is a werewolf, Bobby is the Bobbiest wizard there ever was, and Mary died saving her sons from Azazel. No Potterverse characters except Snape and Ollivander. (R)
- The Face of Heaven by orange_crushed: AU in which Dean and Sam are normal guys and Castiel is a star (think Stardust, but without Faerie). Definitely in the running for THE CUTEST. (PG-13)
- Cinders Light the Path by MajorEnglishEsquire: Delicious Mooseley in which everybody might love each other a little too much, but Crowley sounds so very much like Crowley. Sequel to We'll Stay Together Till We're Ghosts. (R+)
The Avengers
Loki/Tony Stark
- Solve for X by RC_McLachlan: Tony teaches Loki math, and Loki finds steady ground. The best of the Theorems series. (PG)
- The Saga of Hug Fortress (series) by theorytale: Loki is manipulative and clever, Tony is...Tony, UST is at a slow burn, everyone is in character. And there's turducken. I dream sometimes of a world in which this series does not stop on such a cliffhanger. (PG)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- A Handful of Dates by kanarandtarkaleantea: I mean, there's basically all the tropes of B/G (angst, past sins, secrets, jeopardized careers, etc), but it's lovely fun, and I like those tropes. Unique in that it explores Bashir's extended family and Middle Eastern heritage. (R)
- Learning the Language by Allemande: Post-series, Bashir is doing relief work on Cardassia and learning both Kardasi and the gesture language he hadn't realized Garak was speaking to him. Bonus OCs are great. (PG)
- Letters from the Northern Continent by thehoyden: Another post-series Cardassia story in which realizes he's taken seven years to figure out what Garak has been telling him. More delightful OCs. (R+)