LJ Censorship

Dec 01, 2007 20:59

Recently this Flag icon made it's debut on LJ and while I'm all about flagging inappropriate content on craigslist - I do not want to see postings for "adult" *ehem* acting projects anywhere other than the gigs>adult section, for example - but I'm a bit disturbed at the flagging of LJ posts. Do I simply live in an internet bubble where I find this unnecessary? Free Speech and all, but the flip side of that coin is the reader has as much a right to ignore the tremendous amount of crap that gets spewed on blogs whenever they darn well please. What the heck happened? Is LJ now owned by the same folks at Fox News or Clear Channel, or do they just want to get their media insurance rates? If you read the section "Using Content Flags" in FAQ Question #281, the process seems cumbersome(or at least it reads that way). I would post something as inappropriate just to test the waters, only that's not the kind of gal I am. The problem here is that this is a slippery slope. Who decides what's inappropriate? Does LJ and internet blog content come under the juristiction of the FCC? If you extrapolate this as a restriction of free speech, how far can it go? If you go to the extreme - it wouldn't be all that different from being in Iran.

censorship, adult, lj

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