
Jun 22, 2012 21:01

Title: Parallels
Author: miranda882
Rating: T
Spoilers: up to 3x22
Disclaimer: The Vampire Diaries and all related material are copyrighted trademarks of The CW and L.J. Smith, all rights reserved. This is a work of fanfiction. No copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: A post 3x22 fic. Damon is secretly a Buffy fan.  Mostly because of Spike - it's too hard not to see the parallels between his life and Spike's.

A/N: Whoo, it's been ages since I've written anything!  This started out as a bit of a Buffy homage and eventually morphed into a post-3x22 fic.  The whole fic is from Damon's POV.


Damon is secretly a Buffy fan.

Mostly because of Spike - it's too hard not to see the parallels between his life and Spike's.  Both (formerly) evil vampires that had fallen for a human girl.  Love's Bitch.  Always the last choice, no matter which girl it was.

He'd never noticed how true that was until he'd returned to Mystic Falls.

Their sire.  Drusilla's loyalty (and love, if it could be called that) was always to Angel.  Meanwhile, Katherine had always made it clear which brother she preferred.

Likewise, Buffy had always made sure that Spike knew who came first in her heart - and it wasn't him.  Even the "I love you" at the season finale seemed more like a sop to a dying man.

It reminds of that time he'd been succumbing to the bite courtesy of the werewolf.

"I like you," Elena had told him as he felt another wave of pain wash over him, "...just the way you are."

At least Spike had gotten the L-word out of Buffy when he was dying.  Personally, Damon wasn't sure if he was more relieved or saddened that he hadn't.  But then he supposed it would have hurt more had Elena used the L-word and then gone back to Stefan anyways.   She always did.

"I love him, Damon," He could hear the unshed tears in her voice, "He came into my life at a time when I needed someone and I fell for him instantly.  No matter what I feel for you, I never unfelt for him."

"I get it.  Stefan," Damon said softly.  I should have known.  Why am I even surprised by this.  "It's always gonna be Stefan."

"I care about you, Damon, which is why I have to let you go.  Maybe if you and I had met first..."

Well, isn't that the kicker.  He had.  Unfortunately, the idiot he had been back then had still been too in love with that bitch Katherine to realize what a colossal fuck-up he'd made.  By the time he'd realized who had been more worthy of his attention, it had been too late.

Spike had made that mistake too.  By the time he'd realized he'd fallen for Buffy, the Slayer had already been thoroughly biased against him.

Okay, so maybe he'd been luckier in that Elena had never beaten him to a pulp and left him for the sun unlike what Buffy had done with Spike.  But then, he'd certainly gotten beaten up more than once because of Elena, so maybe that wasn't a good comparison...

Sometimes Damon thinks Spike had it easier.  It's not like Angel was family.  Vampire family sure...but it's different with actual biological ties.

He loved his younger brother.  Of course, he's also hated him equally as much over the past century or so, but some days he even had trouble convincing himself.  It's not so much hate as it is envy, he supposes.

Stefan always got everything he'd wanted.   Father's approval, Katherine's affection, Elena's love...

Just once, Damon wants someone to pick him.


He'd delayed his departure from Mystic Falls after he'd found out what had happened to Elena.   However, her transition from human to vampire wasn't enough to change his plans.

Why?  Because despite his previous behavior, he wasn't a total masochist.   And while it may have been tattered and in pieces, he did still have some pride left in him.   Staying around and seeing the happy couple was too much, especially when a little voice in his mind kept on saying, "That will never be you.  It'll always be Stefan."

Maybe he'll even be able to get over Elena.  Eventually.  In like about sixty years, probably.  Give or take a few decades.

So when Stefan had taken Elena out to help her adjust to the Thumper diet, Damon had grabbed what few belongings he'd packed and headed out to his car.

It had occurred to him that, maybe, just maybe, he should have said good-bye or something.  Like leave a note or whatnot.

He gave his head a good, firm shake as he turned onto the road leading out of Mystic Falls.  No, it was time he realized the futility of waiting for Elena to choose him.  Of even thinking Elena would choose him, for that matter.  It was simply never going to happen.

Over the last two years, he'd always thought that he'd stay and fight, that giving up wasn't part of his nature when it came to people he loved.  Now, he wonders that maybe he's gotten it all wrong.

This isn't giving up.  It's accepting defeat.

Besides, chances are everyone will be happier.  Elena because that pesky elephant that is their unresolved attraction won't longer be permeating every room they share.  Stefan because he won't be constantly worrying about his brother stealing his girlfriend.  Damon because he won't have to see his brother with the one girl he loves and cannot have.

Maybe a century later he'll be able to look back over the events of the past three years and laugh.

Yeah, and pigs will fly.


A month and a half later, he gets a call from Elena.   His thumb pauses over the answer button.

In the end, he decides to let it go to voicemail.


A/N: I originally had this planned as a one-shot, but then I do have some ideas for Elena's POV, if anyone's interested!

Thanks for reading!

ship: damon/elena, fandom: vampire diaries

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