Sep 07, 2006 22:13
So, here I am listening to Jem on my awesome new iPod and drinking a giant Sonic Powerade slushie that could probably last me a day. I feel a lot better right now than I did earlier and about 1 million times better than I did yesterday afternoon. I can't remember the last time I felt that bad. Well, okay, last week would qualify, but a completely different way. I never want alchohol again, or at least not as much as I had and not with that empty of a stomach. It was just plain stupid of me to do it and every time I think of a Mai Tai I want to throw up. Or anything like an Appletini. I've had a beer since then, but that's it. I have never felt as miserable as I did then....EVER.
I am behind in all of my classes now because I was sick as a dog from stupidity one night last week and am sick with a really bad cold (or something) again this week.