New Year Drabbles for 2008_drabbles - Table I (Political)

Dec 31, 2007 00:09

“What the hell is Dumbledore thinking?” Edgar asked his friend as they left the first meeting.  “Alice and Frank I can understand.  They have training, at least.  But the Prewett twins, and Potter and his friends, making jokes the whole time: do they understand what they’re getting into?”
“They’ll figure it out,” Moody grunted.

Edgar shook his head.  “That’s the other part that worries me.  Will they be able to handle the worst?  They’re still practically children.”
“You’re right,” Moody said, after a long pause.  “What is Dumbledore thinking?  If they’re not ready, what’s going to happen to the rest?”

Title: Courtly Love
Pairings: Rodolphus/Bellatrix, Bella/Voldemort
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

Stop right there.  It doesn’t take a Legilimens to know what you’re wondering, and the answer is no.  There is nothing between the Dark Lord and my wife.  Not for lack of interest on her part, and if he were ever to look at a woman in that way, it would be her.  But he doesn’t, so that’s that. Does it bother me?  At first.  I hoped she would respect me though ours was not a love match.  Then I realized the sheer force the task would take.  Can you blame me, then, for following the only man strong enough?

Title: The Worse Part of Valor
Pairings: Implied Draco/minor character
Rating: PG
Warnings: Implied death, DH and JKR interview spoilers

When Pansy Parkinson cried out the night of the battle that someone should capture Potter, Astoria Greengrass felt a small thrill of admiration mingled with envy.  True, Pansy only succeeded in getting her House removed from the Great Hall, but in that moment, nothing seemed more certain than the rewards she would reap for her loyalty.
Ten years later, Astoria looked up from the obituaries at her son playing on the rug, and shook her head with a mixture of sadness and satisfaction.  Discretion had its rewards as well.  After all, she had never told her husband of her reaction.

Third Place - Best Canon Compliant
Title: The Cruelest Cut
Pairings: Gen
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

No one braided Susan’s hair as well as Aunt Amelia.  Tight, even rows that stayed in place without pulling on her scalp.  As she worked, she would tell Susan stories of days long past and departed relatives, and of her childhood dreams.
“I always hoped I’d have a little girl of my own,” she would say.  “But that’s not going to happen, so you’ll have to let me borrow you.  That’s all right, isn’t it?”  And Susan would nod fervently.

But Aunt Amelia will never braid her hair again.  So in place of a brush, Susan raises her wand.

Title: Priorities
Pairings: Michael/Ginny, Terry/Hermione (unrequited)
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

“C’mon, guys,” Michael pleads.  “I promised Ginny I’d get more people to come.”
Terry rolls his eyes.  “If you ask me, she’s only interested because Potter’s involved.”

“So’s Hermione Granger,” Michael points out.  “Haven’t you been hoping she’d agree to tutor you in Ancient Runes for a year now?”

“This isn’t Ancient Runes,” says Terry, but he’s blushing.

Michael smirks, then turns to his other friend.  “Anthony, you’re the impartial tiebreaker.  What do you think?”

Anthony thinks of Harry Potter cradling Cedric’s body, of the certainty in Dumbledore’s eyes as he announced the Dark Lord’s return.  “I’m in,” he says.

Title: Fairest of Them All
Pairings: Gen (unless you count the Bill/Fleur reference)
Rating: PG
Warning: DH spoilers

“It’s going to be all right, Lav,” Parvati says, clearly struggling for words.  “Bill Weasley got bitten, too, and you still wouldn’t have to pay me to go out with him.  If he weren’t married, I mean.”  She brightens suddenly.  “But see?  He’s married!  That means you…”
“Just get out of here, will you?”

Parvati slumps again, then summons her courage.  “Not until you look in the mirror.”


“Lav, please.”  Parvati reaches out and holds on tightly.  “Fate didn’t spare you so that you could spend the rest of your life hiding in here.”



“Help me up.”

Title: Taking Command
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Warnings: DH Spoilers

Neville looks up hopefully when he hears more than one set of footsteps approaching his train compartment.  But Luna only has Ginny with her.  The redhead’s face is drawn so tightly that Neville worries she’s about to burst into tears, which only makes him regret the question that slips out more.  “They’re not here, are they?”
Luna shakes her head on Ginny’s behalf.

“What are we going to do?”  The question doesn’t come from him, Neville realizes, but from Seamus Finnegan.  He’s even more surprised to hear himself answer.
“The same thing they’d do if they were here.  We fight.”

Title: The Killing Joke
Pairings: Gen
Rating: PG
Warnings: DH spoilers

Truth be told, Thicknesse was no joking matter.  He’d kept me on, even as the pressure to give up my family mounted.  Not out of the goodness of his heart, of course, but because I recognized in him the same blankness that had plagued Crouch in his last months, and had the sense not to make a scene over it.  Instead of resigning, I could have tried to break the curse - months before.
But then I would not have lived to hear Fred die pleased with me.  And that, to my everlasting pride and shame, I would not take back.

Title: Due Process
Pairings: Gen
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

“Without trial?”  Amelia lowers the parchment containing the Minister’s directive, unwilling to conceal her horror from her superior.  “And you’re not challenging this?”

“The evidence is incontrovertible,” Crouch responds coolly.  “No shortage of witnesses heard Pettigrew.”

“And as Muggles, none of their testimony would have been admissible, even if they still remembered it,” she shoots back.  “In the name of justice, Black must be given the opportunity to tell his side of the story.”

Crouch glowers.  “Everything we do is in the name of justice, Bones.  Remember that.”
As he walks away, Amelia wonders again who’s really writing the orders.

Title: A Better Offer
Pairings: Gen
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

The Dementors are restless.  It has been a long time since the Ministry has sent them a new captive.  Too long.  The only memories they have left to feed on are stale, pale remnants.
Suddenly, a visitor arrives in their midst: neither a prisoner nor from the Ministry.  His soul is not worth devouring, either, but he brings them a vision of such abundance their hunger is temporarily sated, before returning with greater strength than ever.  And unlike the Ministry, he makes no demands on them in return.
Well, almost no demands.  But they were tired of those prisoners anyway.

Title: The Next Great Adventure
Pairings: Albus/Phineas
Rating: PG
Warnings: None (except possibly interview spoilers, but I think everyone's heard these by now)

The headmasters’ portraits often make social calls on each other, but none ever make their way over to Phineas’s frame.  So he is almost as startled the day he receives a visitor as he is by the visitor’s identity.

“Hello, Phineas.”

“When did they hang you up?”

“An hour ago.  Minerva has informed me of the circumstances - as if I were unaware of my plans.”

“Did you tell yourself what I thought of them?”


“Then why are you here?”

Dumbledore’s eyes sparkle.

“Oh.”  Phineas swallows, but stays put.  “I see.”

“Excellent.  Let us hope that Minerva does not.”

Title: White Flag
Pairings: Hagrid/Olympe
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

As a French woman who travels frequently, I am accustomed to hearing the jokes and slights about our willingness to surrender.  Until now, I never thought to lose a lover over it.

But what would he have me do?  Even his beloved Headmaster only said we were to try and persuade our uncivilized kin to join the cause.  He did not say to keep trying until the Death Eaters discovered us, or to bring back an idiot sibling.  Refusing to take part in such a foolish scheme is not surrender, but common sense.

Then why do I feel so lost?

Title: Lost Match
Pairings: Viktor/Hermione
Rating: G
Warnings: None

I am a Qudditch player, and I am proud.  But I am sad, too, because no one sees beyond this side of me.  Even her.  Yes, she met me in the library, and answered my letters.  But when I tried to speak to her of the war, of helping her friend, she would evade me.  At first, I thought she might be testing me, but in time, I came to see that she did not think I could understand.  And so I gave up trying.
I am a Quidditch player.  But, oh, for her, the soldier I might have been!

Title: Men in Uniform
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Warnings: None

“Well?” Professor Umbridge beamed, holding the pink and silver robe up for their inspection. 
Even without looking, Draco knew Crabbe and Goyle’s jaws were hanging open.  He only prayed that his was not as well.

“With all due respect, Madam,” he managed at last, “don’t you think they might draw a bit…too much attention to us on our rounds?”

Umbridge thought for a moment.  “Perhaps you’re right,” she conceded with a pout.  “But they would have looked so splendid with your hair!”

Goyle sniggered audibly.  Draco made a mental note to take points from him when they were safely outside.

Title: The New Administration
Pairings: Gen
Rating: PG
Warnings: DH spoilers

“To the Prime Minister.  The new Minister of Magic requests a meeting at your earliest convenience.  Please respond.”
Another one? the Prime Minister thought.  He’d met two already since taking office: a gruff fellow who’d assured him the You Know Who business was well in hand, and one who’d refused to tell him much of anything, including what had happened to the previous gentleman.  Still, the courtesy was a new development.  “Now will do.”

A few seconds later, the fireplace flared green.  The Prime Minister gaped as his own predecessor’s former secretary stepped out and grinned at him.  “Hello, Tony.”
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