Dec 07, 2005 18:23
sorry sorry sorry....... what else can I say?.... I really am. I had a fit and expressed it in words and now I'm fine... I know I'm better off with out you I just can't seem to convince my heart that. It all just goes back to how it ended. I think both of us can admit that I was betrayed in that sense. And it wasn't that you were the best person for me, just that you were the best I've ever had. But I know I can do better. And I'm sorry to get all "emo" on you. I can't believe someone's actually used that word to describe me... Oh well, I suppose it's an aspect of me but I'm way better than that.
I just read the reply to my blog entry that I posted with the disclaimer not to take it too seriously. Didn't work I saw, so I erased it. Why did all of this happen? It is all so below me. I don't even want to get back together with you, I really don't. I just want my best friend back. But you're gone, so I'll move on. Sorry to make everything so fucked up. I'm an idiot. See ya around.