I am so broke.

Feb 26, 2010 01:40

I have so little money. I don't know how I keep doing this to myself. I think I just have expensive friends.

Here's the deal.

If you would like me to write you a story, any topic of your choosing, any rating, any characters, comment here or shoot me a PM. I'll write you whatever short story you want, $5 a page. I make no promises on how long it'll turn out, but I'll be fair on pricing, so no worries there. (If it turns out to be like seven pages long, I'm not crazy enough to charge you $35. We'll talk.) First page must be paid in advance.

Please note that I do not make any promises that it'll be good, especially if I'm not terribly familiar with the characters. But I'll try.

My writing is at anshin_fanfic and anshin_fiction, if you need an example.

Someone hire me. I can't believe I'm prostituting myself like this. I must be desperate.

what have i gotten myself into, i'm going to regret this

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