On Secret Identities.

Jul 09, 2010 00:38

You guys are comic people, right? Let's say I'm interested in checking out some Young Avengers and some Nightwing stuff. Where should I start? I have no clue with Young Avengers. With Nightwing, I am mostly interested in anything involving Dick Grayson post-Robin, whether he's Nightwing or Batman, though I've only read him as Bats once and I am much more interested in Nightwing.

I'm currently reading Captain America, Age of Heroes, and Secret Avengers. And by 'reading' I mean mostly collecting until I have time to read. Plus I'm buying up all of Civil War.

And oh my GOD if anyone knows if there's a list or something somewhere of everything beyond the old cheesy Cap comics that involves one James "Bucky" Barnes let me know ASAFP because James and the Winter Soldier have officially become my new favourites.


ETA: I have now picked up the first issues of Children's Crusade and Steve Rogers: Super Soldier. I am going to be so fucking broke if this keeps up. XD

problems: i has them, i am now a comic nerd, what have i gotten myself into

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