Zah Papah

Nov 14, 2004 20:32

I made paper! Well, kind of. It really looks like big sheets of blue jean pocket lint. But that's because I used Best Buy advertisements to make it. It's flattening under my huge Webster dictionary and complete works of Shakespeare book right now. So tomorrow I'll see if it's write on-able. Well, in any case, it was fun to make if you ignore the fact that my mother loomed over me the entire time and modified everything that I was doing. Maybe I need a hobby that I can do in secret. Like digging a tunnel to China from the corner of my closet with a spoon. Then everyday I could hide my progress by pushing over the bookshelf in my closet. Or maybe I could make a hobby out of reading those books on the bookshelf. But we all know that that will never happen. The hobby quest must go on!

John and I went for pizza yesterday and then he bought us cheesecake for dessert! And we looked at a paper store and he played Paper Mario and we had drinks not out of paper cups! Not in that order, but still! It was fun. I like spending time with him. ^_^

In other words...
Hold my hand.
In other words...
Darling, kiss me.
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