May 28, 2008 18:31
I was having PE the other time, (can I also add that I saw gorgeous smile guy there, HAHA. okay this post is not about him) and the fairfield primary school kids were having their PE too and they were seated at the bleachers (or grand stand, as we used to call them in PL). They come sometimes since their school is just next door to borrow our track.
So anyway, the teacher was talking to all of them and it went something like this:
Teacher: Okay, all of you, come here at 8am on Saturday. Then you all will go and run one round around the track. If you come late, you all will have to run 2 rounds, you understand?!
Very confused innocent looking boy: Huh... Why must run 2 rounds?
Teacher: Because... (Puts her face right in front of his and screams) YOU CAME LATE!!!! YOU COME LATE MUST RUN 2 ROUNDS LA!
When I saw this, I was like, what the shit. Is the next generation becoming all crappy because of this kind of treatment? Throughout the whole briefing, I swear, they were shouting at the kids and being very stern as if the kids were all not paying attention and weren't listening at all, but if you looked at the whole crowd of kids sitting there (okay maybe not crowd, group of kids) they were all obviously keeping quiet and paying attention. It's like, they were being unnecessarily strict for no good reason at all. I'm so glad that teachers don't treat me like that in JC.
But then again, how do you treat 6-12 year olds anyway? Are they (the teachers) like that because they have to be like that or are they just enjoying screaming at little children? Do 6-12 year olds have no maturity to process logical thought and reasoning that they don't understand punishment? Then why punish them at all?
Oh well. I guess I'll only have the answer if I get kids of my own.