Jun 30, 2005 16:21
as has become too habitual for me and my tastes, i have waited until the last moment (or last hours, at least) to pack/transfer utilities/procure a truck or van or rickshaw of some sort/etc. i can profer excuses: i'm a bit overwhelmed by the daunting task of sorting through and boxing up over 7 years of belongings and accumulated trash; i get bogged down in the mini-meltdowns suffered when stumbling unprepared into memories; i have some personal matters to deal with (and similarly to procrastinate with in handling); i haven't had to undergo this tedious and frustrating process in more than 49 dog years. excuses, excuses... i make none, though. no excuses, only explanations, even if only partial ones at that. i am to blame, i am responsible, i am liable.
this is late notice, and i expect little to no response, but i'll ask anyway: anyone have a truck/van/back-ho (cuz i really wanna ride in the claw bucket thing)/cargo plane/whatever available for use (with compensation) tomorrow (friday) or any recommendations in terms of decent places from which to rent such a vehicle? moving from oakland to newark. (yes, newark. don't even ask.) (well, you can ask, i guess. but do you want to?)
while i'm at it: anyone have a back for rent/purchase? i'm in need of a transplant, actually, i'm in need of a full-body overhaul and chassis replacement, period, so if there are any bodysnatchers lurking about...