(no subject)

Jan 07, 2007 13:24

Quote of Note:
"We don't need Republican roads or Democratic roads. We need roads. We don't need Republican healthcare or Democratic healthcare. We need healthcare. We don't need Republican clean air or Democratic clean air. We all breathe the same air. When California's leaders have worked together, we have accomplished great things."
-Excerpt from California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's inaugural remarks

The line "We all breathe the same air" comes from a speech made by John F Kennedy in 1963.

The entire speech seems oriented towards encouraging a post-partisan or centrist ideology. It'll be interesting to see how Schwarzenegger's second term turns out and if he'll go on to the Senate in future years.

(There's a good article detailing the inauguration of Schwarzenegger in the LAtimes)

news, rl

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