pimpin' & searching for a fic

Aug 29, 2008 11:12

Just wanted to pimp a couple of things that have come across my f-list.

A multifandom female friendship ficathon! It can be found here: galpalficathon This sounds really awesome. It's also called:

I Will Not Be Afraid of Women
A Female Friendships Ficathon

It's not your usual ficathon either, no sign ups or claims. You can submit prompts, like "Martha and Rose, a ball of string". Then, come posting time, you can take whatever prompts you want and have a blast. It sounds very cool.

The second one is for PIRATES!!!

It's merrypirates ficathon hosted by penknife Get your fix of PIRATES!


Also, can anyone help me find a FIC?! I don't even know how to search for it. The Doctor Who fandom is too large. I don't know how I ran into it originally.

ETA: Found it!! =)

Anyway, this fic is almost like a Family of Blood AU, but only in the sense that the Doctor forgets who he is and thinks he's a human man with a wife and children. Essentially, he's been kidnapped and people are trying to steal his brain in a JAR. And Rose, Jackie, and Jack are trying to rescue him, but him being an amnesiac isn't helping matters. Does this strike a bell with anyone?


In other news, I am watching Classic Who with Tom Baker and Lalla Ward. I love Romana II. Love, love, love. I also maybe want her pink coat. Heh.

doctor who, fic, pirates

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