Imperium in Imperio 8

Sep 29, 2010 18:35

A/N:  Thank you to everyone for the reviews!  A special thanks, since I can't PM you, to Christina, Timonx3, xxxxx, AquamarineRagDoll, won't be the Victim, Ltuae-42, and Phoebe Turner for your feedback!

Since this is an AU, I've taken creative license and sided with Sunstreaker's Universe toy.  He has a jetpack, too.  Also, I desperately wanted to use cannons for the Ark, but they aren't present in canon until 2006.  Therefore, Asher119 is graciously letting me use the ion cannons from her story "Fracture Mechanics."  In addition, this chapter briefly references "The Insecticon Syndrome."

Circuit su:  For those who might not know, the ability to use spark energy in an attack is canon, but of course I'm borrowing Prowl's knowledge of circuit su from TFA.

"Sitrep"=situation report.

Chapter 8: Memento Mori
or  Remember that You Must Die

Once again I overwhelm LJ.  Fake cut is Fake.

prowl, transformers, optimus prime, imperium in imperio, jazz, fanfic, g1, sideswipe

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