A/N: There will be a break in your scheduled programming next week for the one-shot OPxP gift fic I promised the "Loveless" reviewers. It's a special edition "Firsts" for Optimus and Prowl! After that, we should be back to normal.
If you don't recognize him, Strikedown is a canon character.
PL2363 has drawn a picture of Maverick and Night Stalker for me. I'm going to ask her to post it at LJ, and hopefully I can give you a link next time.
Thank you for the reviews! Everyone should have gotten a reply or PM, but for the ones I'm unable to respond to personally, thank you to Christina and TylaraRemember. I appreciate your feedback!
Chapter 5: Sic Infit
or So It Begins
Client Error: Post Too Large, so Fake Cut is Fake Picture of Night Stalker and Maverick by pl2363