May 27, 2006 12:11
I didn't get to bed until 4 am last night ... I actually turned off the light at about 3 and was just about the doze off when...
DING DONG! The fucking doorbell rings!!! It's 4am, who the hell could that be? I froze and then heard my mom go and answer the door - and heard some guys voice ... ASKING FOR ME!!! I had NO idea who it was, I heard my mom get pissed off saying that I was asleep and to go away.
Then I hear Tonni get up and go to the door and hear the guy RIGHT OUTSIDE MY DAMN WINDOW! Tonni's telling him to get lost or he's going to call the cops, that he's not getting my phone number - etc.
This would be the part where I cautiously open my bedroom door and ask who the hell it was and what they wanted. He's telling me that they wanted to talk to me, and all that shit - WHAT?!?!?!? :scream:
My mom gave me a brief description of what he looked like but I honestly have no idea, I have a SLIGHT idea of who it may have been and I'm going to ask tonight at work and if I'm right I'm going to knock some heads - seriously, that scared the shit out of me!
I think I'm going to start sleeping in the bathroom.