Despite being quite in LJ, the fandom continues. I've been using FaceBook as more of a blog than here, although without as much over sci fi content (i've had some comments from friends at work about all the convention pictures I've posted....).
Anyhoo, am prepping for
Collectormania 14 - Adam Baldwin and Jamie Bamber in the same place. Hoo boy! And currently dithering over whether a girl should really spend £150 to get some one-on-one time with Zachary Levi and Adam Baldwin next year. I'm thinking yes, but my bank balance may be screaming Nooooooooo! Whatever happens, methinks 2009 is going to be an expensive year. But I'm selling this to my sis as extending our fandom into new territory (she's yet to experience Chuck, but I'll break her soon enough), especially as Pegasus 4 may be our last SG con. We're still holding out for Joe.
Oh yeah, and Kate's planned our Vegas trip down to the last detail. There's barely enough room for toilet breaks and sleep since I said that I wanted to go into a Buy More (and show some respect for the Geek Squad), a 7eleven, and the uni of LV campus. Am such a geek. No, really.