Collectormania GMEX was awesome. Sorry to be so predictable, but it was.
High points include:
elliejane running to me after meeting Torri Higginson and saying 'She's coming to P3!'
- taking a pic of Jason Momoa picking his nose
- being manhandled by James Marsters (best £20 I ever spent)
- saying hi to Adrian Pasdar (he was soooo sweet)
- meeting Torri and Jason as soon as they started signing on sunday, and sneaking some free pics with them because they didn't have a queue
- meeting a scruffy but yummy looking Connor Trinneer (even though he came across as rather arrogant)
- seeing Buffy's mom!
And now we have not only Paul and Torri announced for P3, but Kavan Smith too! My gawd I am going to spend so much money at this convention.
Thanks to
elliejane for pointing me at
this Joe Flanigan clip. Way too cute for words. *sigh*