Mar 11, 2006 20:39
Well Spring Break wasn't really a vacation or whatever. All I did was go home and do normal things. I went to the dentists twice, bought Harry Pottter: Goblet of Fire and Howl's Moving Castle, and I bought a new cross stich thing to work on. Plus I was able to get my two patterns for the brocade and silk for cheap. My mom got a new winter coat for me for next Christmas, we also got a new bathing suit (it's way cute), and a new skirt. So yay for that! And I finished the wall hanging I was making for Julie, for her wedding gift.
I was able to finish watching the rest of the Naruto episodes, but not the Bleach episodes. Hmmmmm I also started playing FF VII again, well this time I plan on finishing the game.
On another note my Grandma is still taking the death of my Uncle pretty hard...... I never wrote about it in here but he passed away 2 weekends ago I beleive. But basiaclly his liver and kidneys failed because i beleive of his Diabete's combined with him drinking alot.
Hmmmm well I can't think of anything else to write about. So ta tas. ANd I hope your happy Kevin. ^_~