Jun 22, 2005 19:40
This past weelend was a nice break fromt he norm opf my dismally boreing summer life. Driveing wasn't to bad, had a few spots of construction and a tiny bit of traffic. I had fun seeing my friends. I played some Warcraft in the lab, got my Alpha Psi Omega t-shirts. Except one was missing so I have to call a few people to ask wehre it is. Had lunch on Friday with John, little Rob, and Mike. Got to Julie and Ricky's and saw Jeremy. Then went to the High Schoolers theatre day camp show, which was pretty entertaining. Saturday, the wedding, was nice, a bit boreing at the reception cause well I didn't know anyone except John, his mom, sisters, and his sister's friend. John doesn't dance and so yeah..... Did get to go into a casino for the first time. They are very bright and shinny. Then Sunday I spent the day dyeing people's hair, Ricky's hair black, Julie's hair red, and Kyle's hair bleaching highlights and then putting bright red in them. I received $5 and some chainmail links out of the deal. Woot! I like chainmail. Already made two small bracelets, but they keep coming undone. Going to look up more types of ways to connect the links though.
My sister had knee surgery on Monday, she was an out patent. But anyways not thinking I had work till the evening of Tuesday I went to spend the night to help take care of her. Figures I looked at the wrong week and I worked 9-4, ended up calling cause I might have been late, and found out that way. So I went in at 5-10. But that night I stayed there my sister passed out and fell in the bathroom. Good thing she didn't get a concussion on top of her knee healing or hurting her knee more. But her new kitten is sooooo cute, and so full of energy.
Anyways that is about allt hat is going on right now. So I shall go now.