fOuR | aCtIoN

Sep 10, 2011 15:05

[Action; inside 1338 Benny]

[Some people deal with teenage drama and fights with their best friends by drowning their sorrows in ice cream and shitty movies. Gamzee, on the other hand, drowns his sorrows in pies. Unfortunately, the human pies don't work half as well as his sopor ones do when it comes to making him feel better, plus his stomach ( Read more... )

aaaall by myseeeelf, let's all get baked, aww yee piiiiie

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( action. ) tranches September 10 2011, 20:38:04 UTC
[ Did someone say pies? While trying to escape the hell hole Stocking was stuck in she happened to come across the sign. She simply adored sweet things especially pies!

Don't mind her standing in front of you with a big smile. ]

Yummy, yummy! I want some!


miraculls September 10 2011, 20:44:16 UTC
[oh gosh Gamzee is always happy to meet someone who can appreciate the miracle that is pie]

Shit, help yourself, chica! These motherfuckin' pies ain't gonna be eating themselves, haha.


tranches September 10 2011, 20:46:57 UTC

[ She quickly sat down next to him, grabbed random pies and began to eat them. ]


miraculls September 10 2011, 21:11:02 UTC
[beams at her]

Gotta say, it's real motherfuckin' nice to meet someone else who gets their appreciate on about the miracle of the most blessed of pastries.


tranches September 10 2011, 21:31:54 UTC
Mm it's pretty fucking good. I love pies!


miraculls September 10 2011, 21:59:44 UTC
Thanks, chica! You can come by and kick down a motherfuckin' slice with a wicked brother any time you want, I'm always getting my bake on.


tranches September 10 2011, 22:06:39 UTC
Really? Ooh I might have to come everyday! This is so yummy!

[ Stuffing her face she smiled big and brightly. ]

What's your name?


miraculls September 10 2011, 22:48:02 UTC
Shit, that'd be the motherfuckin' bitchtits if you did, I'm always up for spreading the beautiful troll disease around.

Name's Gamzee Makara? You, my pie-loving sister?


tranches September 10 2011, 22:49:18 UTC
Troll disease around?

Anarchy Stocking.

[ Eh she doesn't care, she's just gonna continue stuffing her face. ]


miraculls September 10 2011, 23:01:58 UTC
Yeah, the beautiful troll disease called friendship. It's a real motherfuckin' miracle.

Nice to meet you, stockingtits! [whoops sorry Gamzee gives nicknames to everyone and they're not exactly creative...]


tranches September 10 2011, 23:07:01 UTC
I thought we were talking about pies.

[ Yeah she doesn't care as long as she gets pie. ]


miraculls September 10 2011, 23:13:31 UTC
Any motherfucker who be loving pie as much as I do is a friend of mine, honk! [he will make you all the pies]


tranches September 10 2011, 23:18:42 UTC
Oh okay. Can I have some more then?

[ Then she will love him forever and ever. ]


miraculls September 10 2011, 23:23:42 UTC
Have as much as you want, sis. I ain't some kinda greedy ringmiser, all keeping the good shit to myself.


tranches September 10 2011, 23:26:04 UTC
[ And she eats about all of them. ]

Yari-Yari that was good. Thanks for the pies. I might stop by tomorrow.


miraculls September 10 2011, 23:31:03 UTC
[wow, that was...really impressive....]

Shit, you think you could be teaching me how to cram all those motherfuckin' pies into my starmonkey digestive sac? Mine hurts after the first couple...


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