Title: Revenge. 복수-Identity
Chapter: 9/?
Genre: Horror, Mystery
Pairing: Onkey, Jongkey
Rating: PG-15
Overall Summary: Onew and Jong Hyun were found at the doorstep of an Orphanage-Onew was 2 and Jong Hyun was still a baby. In 1996, a huge fire broke out in the building. After a huge struggle, only one of them was saved. 15 years later, the brother whom survived was still haunted by his past….and his brother whom did not understand the reason why he died.
Note: Yay, finally revealing JongKey ^^
The orphanage was almost a hundred miles away from the city area of Seoul. Donghae Hyung said that my car was in a pathetic state to travel out of town just because the GPS system wasn’t working. He volunteered to come along with Key and I in the end.
Key was still distraught over Madam Kim’s death and the suspension of my license for the time being. However, he managed to force a smile and talked about the past that we shared together in the orphanage.
I learnt that Key used to be my roommate and how he was dependent on me because he was just a toddler. He told me how Madam Kim adopted him after the Orphanage was closed down and told him about his past over dinner.
Even my questions which were left unanswered for years finally came to light. I finally knew how I lose my memory and the fact that my foster father was my savior-he was the person whom made the decision to save me instead of my brother.
It was a pretty terrible feeling when you feel as though you knew something but you just couldn’t remember a thing. The moment I got off the vehicle and stood in front of the gate beside Key, my heart began to ache so badly despite having no recollections of anything.
Naturally, I reached out for Key’s hand and squeezed it tightly in mine. He looked at me in confusion for a few seconds before asking,
“Onew, do you have any recollection?”
“Do you still want to go in? You look terrible.”
“I’ll do anything to stop Jong Hyun from hurting us.”
I will do anything to save Key, even if it kills me.
… … …
It felt as though we were filming ‘Paranormal Activity’ or something. Clutching on to a torch light in my left hand, I wasn’t really surprised when the orphanage corridors were not as dark and spooky. Despite it looking unwelcoming, I had a sense of belonging here.
I could imagine myself here as a young boy 15 years ago, chasing my brother down the corridors with a teddy bear in his hand. I even thought I could hear the sound of our youthful laughter when I ran my fingers down the blackened walls.
“I think we should split up.” Donghae finally said. “I’ll go the other way.”
Nodding my head curtly, I began to feel even more confused and clueless when I watched Donghae walking in the opposite direction.
Why am I here?
Would anything change even if I were to return to this run down building and learn more about my past? Would Jong Hyun even forgive me and stop seeking vengeance even if I do so?
What on earth was I thinking of? I began to wonder. How would I be so naïve?
I continued walking down the corridor alone while cursing myself for my stupidity. Subconsciously, my legs brought me towards the last room to the left on the third storey. Standing outside the door with hesitance, I bit my lips as I read the old faded words that were carved on the door.
Onew. KiBum. Jong Hyun. Minho. KyuHyun. Taemin.
I scanned through the room while walking between the rows of bunk beds-the room was pretty spacious although six boys shared it. I was particularly attracted to the last bed at the bottom near the window. Frowning in disgust at the moldy mattress beside me, I stood by the wooden frame and peered out of the backyard.
It must have happened here- I was sure.
… …. …
Fishing out for my phone in my pocket, I dialed Donghae’s number and pressed it against my ear. I had no idea what were my intentions of calling him, but I knew I was so disappointed about this wasted trip that I had to confide to someone right away.
Walking down the corridor as I waited for Donghae to answer his phone, I began to hear a soft repeating melody echoing in the walkway. Hastening my footsteps as the sound of the familiar music became louder and louder, I finally came to a halt near the flight of stairs to the second floor.
“D-Donghae Hyung.” I stammered his name under my breath as I took slow, hesitant steps towards him “No…No… Donghae Hyung.”
Squatting beside him in the middle of a pool of blood, I whimpered in fear as I watched the incarnadine liquid squirting out from a stab wound on his neck. I had no idea if I should be relieved when I realized that Donghae Hyung was still alive.
When more blood gushed out of his wound when he took short breaths, I took out my jacket hurriedly and covered it against his wound. My vision became blurry as tears rolled down from the corner of my eyes.
“It’s all my fault, Donghae Hyung.” Grabbing hold of Donghae’s hand when he reached it towards me, I watched him helplessly as more blood soaked against my jacket. Staring at me in fear for a few seconds, I could sense his hand slipping off from my grip and landed on the floor lifelessly.
“Donghae…Donghae!” I cupped my hands on his pale cheeks and ran my thumbs over his eyelids, “Please don’t die Hyung. Please…”
All I need was for him to open his eyes.
But he didn’t.
“Onew…” I turned around and saw Key standing beside me with bloodshot eyes, “Donghae Hyung…”
“He’s dead, Key… It’s all my fault.” He ran towards our direction and stared at the dead body in front of him. Covering his mouth with his hand, Key collapsed on the floor beside me and buried his face into my shoulder.
I knew how he felt exactly-we’ve seen too many dead bodies, but this was different. My heart ached so much that even breathing could make me tremble in pain. Instead of wrapping my hands around Key to console him, I supported him back onto his feet and caressed his hair between my fingers.
“I will call the police and get help.”
“Don’t leave, Onew. Please.” I backed away from him and fished out my phone to call for help.
“Key, I can’t let you die. We need help right now and I will come back as soon as I can.” Before he could say anything, I ran down the flight of steps towards the main entrance.
If I could make a decision now, I would want Jong Hyun to take me. Just take me away with him.
… … …
I tried to process my thoughts within the next few minutes when I was left alone. I couldn’t hold back my tears whenever I thought of Donghae Hyung-it must have hurt a lot when he died.
I began to remember fragments of our conversation in the dormitory when we were studying in the same college. There were lots of things we used to talk about, but there was something that repeated in my mind constantly.
Donghae Hyung said that the last thing he ever wanted was to die alone. However, he added on to the sensitive topic jokingly that he wanted his funeral to be held like a rock concert. All I did then was laughing it off and telling him that he was crazy.
Yes, he was insane then, but his words pierced through my heart like a dagger the moment he died right in front of me.
I ran back to the third storey right after I called for help. I took barely more than ten minutes-Key was out of my sight for just that short period of time. Clutching on to my phone as I ran up the flight of stairs, I slowed down my pace and eventually stood rooted on the spot. I knew something was terribly wrong.
“Key? Key?” I repeated his name anxiously. Approaching the body that lay at the bottom of the steps, I prayed hard that it wasn’t him. I would not be able to take another blow before the day ends.
But I guess I did not pray hard enough.
Key collapsed on the floor with a deep gash on his forehead. Covering my mouth with my hand, I began to feel relieved when I figured out that he had probably rolled down from the steps. I was absolutely positive that he wasn’t dead.
I staggered down the dim corridor exhaustedly with my mobile phone in my hand.
“Don’t do this to me, Key. I beg you, please.” Mumbling under my breath, I caught a glimpse of the distorted reflection as I walked past a broken mirror. My heart loses a beat when I took another glance of myself. Taking a few steps backwards, I closed my eyes nervously and adjusted myself to face the mirror.
Taking the first peek of my own reflection, I could no longer see myself. All I saw was the face of a monster, or someone that I feared the most. He stared at me with a smirk on his face; his white T-shirt was stained with crimson red liquid.
Lifting up my hand slowly, I touched my cheek and moved it down my jaw line. The reflection did the same thing as what I did. Tilting my head to the left in fear, I was no longer holding a mobile phone in my hand, but a knife-my body was soaked in someone else’s blood.
I could no longer see myself as Onew, but Jong Hyun. Dropping the knife on the floor, my doubts were finally cleared.
I am Onew.
But I am Jong Hyun too.
… …. …
It was an intriguing feeling, but I began to fear the truth. Before I knew it, I found myself falling off the rooftop of the five-storey building. I threw myself off the building to shrink from my responsibilities and guilt.
I knew what I did.
I killed everyone.
A/N: Do you guys understand why there’s Jongkey too? ;)