Konbanwa, minnasan, I just arrived back from my little weekend stint out of town. I greatly enjoyed spending time with my friends and the lovely hotel I was able to stay at.
The second club meeting of BHAFAS went off amazingly well! We discussed Elegant Gothic Lolita as our theme and had so many people show up that we won't be able to hold it in Borders any more! That's really exciting!
Bunny and I attended SoDak Con very briefly today. However, I can sum up the situation to everyone very quickly.
We came, we saw, we overheated...
We didn't stay for any of the activities because I almost fainted, Bunny got a migraine and we just couldn't do it. Bonus though, Bunn's did win a new "Fruits Basket" t-shirt.
Anyhoo, thought I would share a few pics with you of the BHAFAS meeting, my Kame cosplay and then a random pic of my new "h. Naoto" top. Hope everyone enjoys!
This is a very nice group shot of all the people who attended BHAFAS in Gothic Lolita clothing. However, that's not everyone in the pic, we had quite a few who came out of clothing. It was so much fun!
Me wearing my "Metamorphose" capelet and skirt. The shirt is an off-brand I altered to look like a cutsew and the headband was constructed from an "Angelic Pretty" pattern.
Here is the sketch design I did for the Kamenashi Kazuya cosplay I made. This is an outfit from the "Dream Boys 2007" musical that is literally seen for about two-three minutes of the whole musical.
The front of the outfit. My hair looks pretty tough here since my Kame's hairstyle fell flat. Don't you just love the color combo? It's so bad it's good! XD
The back of my outfit. This whole cosplay is actually really comfortable to wear but it was SO hot during the event, I just couldn't stay in it.
My new "h. Naoto" top. I really like it, the bat is cute in the front and it's so comfy to wear!
Well, that's all for now, minnasan! I'll be back with a new chapter of "AAO" in a few more days! Ja ne for now! =~.^=V