FIC: "Stand"

Jan 04, 2009 13:50

Konnichiwa, minnasan! I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well. I'm just recovering from a 24 hour bout with this horrible stomach flu that's been going around. It was around 4:30 this morning that it finally seemed to ease off and I was able to keep food inside again. (Thank heavens for small favors!)

Work has been a bit of a bugger. The Assistant Manager called me at home to ask me about something that I left a note for the other bookeeper about. Instead of letting me explain myself, she jumped on me right away. When I finally got her to let me say my piece, I told her what had happened. It was followed by an, "Oh, well, I guess that's okay then." ::rolls eyes:: I wonder why I even leave notes some times.

But, on the up and up, being sick always helps me write! I didn't get the next chapter of "AAO" done yet because I need to choreograph a small fight sequence. (Which in a nutshell means I have to jump around my house seeing how everything looks.) However, I was watching the yearly Johnny's Entertainment Countdown presentation on Youtube and was inspired to write small fic. I don't know why, but I'm always so oddly proud of my TakkaPi work. Maybe because they're so rarely written together.

Without further adieu, I hope everyone enjoys!

By: Miracle Shining (miracleshining)

PAIRING: TakkaPi (Takizawa (Takki) Hideaki X Yamashita (Yamapi) Tomohisa)
GENRE: Angst/Romance
LEGAL JUNK: Not mine, don't even have JE in my initials
SUMMARY: Yamapi doesn't know where he stands sometimes. (Set during Rehearsal for the JE Countdown from 2008-2009.)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Written at 3 a.m. after a horrid bout of stomach flu. Hope it makes sense. Where oh where has the TakkaPi gone? =;.;=


There were times that he just didn't know where he stood.

Yamapi sighed softly as he draped the small towel around his neck. His skin itched from the sweat dripping off his hair and rolling down into his nape. His tanktop was sealed to chest. The sensation was uncomfortable, matching his current state of thought.

The huge countdown event was looming ever closer and it seemed like the only focus of any group was trying to master all the required dance steps and musical numbers before the huge day. Everyone unfortunately was feeling the pressure and tempers were starting to flare. Ryo had managed to get into an arguement with Tegoshi and Koyama. Yamapi just wasn't in the mood to mediate and had walked off.

He was leaning against a wall. He sighed softly and drew his cell phone out of his pocket. He flipped it open and headed directly to his mailbox. A small frown creased his normally bland expression.

There was no new mail. Not texts. No voicemails. Nothing.

Yamapi slid his fingers through his dark hair as he shoved the phone back into his pocket. He pushed away from the wall and wandered into one of the corridors. He wanted a shower. He needed one to wash away the sweat, the grime.

Most of all, he needed the shower to cleanse his mind.

The young man's fingers drifted across the bricks of the hallway. He could feel the change in temperature as his skin prickled slightly from the air conditioning. Even in December, these buildings required some very efficient cooling. The sensation was welcome on his heated flesh, causing his cheeks to rose slightly from the chill.

Yamapi pushed open a door and into one of the many shower rooms. He sat down and began to strip off his tanktop. The sticky fabric fell to the ground with a silent thud. He stared down at the particular article of clothing. His eyes softened immediately and he picked it back up.

The tanktop had been a gift to him from Takki. It was an impromptu present a couple years ago when the two of them had been passing a nearby store. Yamapi had seen the barely pink tank and had paused to look at it. Takki had just laughed and took his hand, pulling him inside. The older man had bought the clothing for Yamapi. Since then, he never went anywhere for long periods of time without it.

However, this year was going to be different. He wasn't going to get to perform at the Countdown with Takki. In fact, the odds that he was even going to see Takki for another couple weeks was very slim.

Yamapi pulled out his cell phone another time as he stripped himself of his loose pants. The screen glowed in the dim light. There was still zero listed under any of the messages. The younger man let out a soft sigh and closed the phone.

He padded quietly across the floor and slipped into the shower room. He distantly thought that he'd be getting hell later for just leaving but he would find an excuse. He went through his mental catalog of feigning a fainting spell to having aliens abducting him. He knew if he did get in trouble, they'd only be briefly irritated with him and then forget about it.

He was Yamapi after all.

The dark haired youth turned on the shower, letting the water strike his tired, sore muscles. The thrum of the droplets was welcome relief to his aching body. It did little to answer the thousand questions that were starting to flood him though. Recently, Takki had been on his mind almost every day. Not just in passing, but seeming to possess his thoughts. He had went on the defense by throwing himself almost obsessively into his work. No one questioned him, they had just assumed it was Yamapi being himself.

The sweat began to rinse off his skin. The heated water eased some of the tension in his muscles. Yamapi closed his eyes as he let his head rest underneath some of the streaming water. His thoughts began to wander once again.

"Ne, Tomokun?"

Yamapi startled, his head quickly turning to the left. He blinked through the water and then squinted his eyes. He shook his head and let out a slightly tight, bitter laugh. Takki was definitely not standing in the shower with him.

"Ne, Tomokun?"

The younger man jumped when he turned to the left again. He blinked his eyes a couple more times before shaking his head. A smaller man with a good build and blonded hair was looking at him slightly amused from an empty shower stall. He was still wearing his jeans, arms folded in front of his bare chest.

"T-t-takki?" Yamapi stuttered.

The older man let out a chuckle and nodded. He leaned a bit more to the side, resting his weight against part of the shower wall.

"What the hell are you doing in the shower with me?" Yamapi suddenly yelped. He grabbed his towel and quickly wrapped it around his waist.

Takki just rolled his eyes from where he was standing.

"Oh please, Pichan, I've seen you naked before. Almost everyone in the Jimusho has seen each other running around one time or another."

Yamapi glowered slightly at the comment. His face then relaxed. His expression turned somewhat melancholy. Takki tilted his head.

"What's wrong?"

"I... It's... Nothing." Yamapi sighed.

The younger, taller man didn't even think about turning off the shower. Instead, he simply turned to walk out of the stall. Takki left where he was standing and intercepted Yamapi before he could leave. The two men sidestepped back and forth before Takki placed a hand on Yamapi's chest. The younger man looked surprised as the older began to back him into the shower again.

"Takki, what are you doing?" Yamapi questioned.

"I'm waiting for you to tell me what's wrong." the blonde haired man stated.

"There's nothing wrong!" Yamapi snapped too quickly.

"Then why are you getting so angry at me?"

"I'm not angry!"

Takki's eyebrow raised at the outburst. Yamapi looked shocked at himself. He covered his mouth as the water began to splash over both of the men. Emotions were threatening to rise to the surface. He felt like he was going to drown from them. Takki gazing at him with an unreadable look didn't help matters at all.

"Gomen ne." Yamapi barely whispered.

"For what?" Takki returned.

"For this. For everything. For... I don't know..."

"Tomo, tell me what's wrong."

Takki placed a gentle hand on Yamapi's bare shoulder. The thrum of the water and their soft breathing seemed to echo in the otherwise empty shower room. Yamapi's dark strands flattened to his forehead. He lowered his eyes, unable to make contact with Takki's concerned face.

"I don't know where I stand."

"Where you stand?" Takki questioned.

Yamapi nodded slowly. He fiddled with his hands, interlocking his fingers and then releasing them. He tried to focus completely on the act until he could gather his thoughts. Takki remained very patient in front of him. Yamapi closed his eyes as he felt the older man's fingers begin to smooth back his drenched hair. The touch was gentle and very caring. Finally, he dared to open them.

"I don't know where I stand..." Yamapi began again, "...with you."

"With me?" Takki replied very softly.

Yamapi nodded as he bit his lower lip. The other man gave the younger a slight smile. He brought their foreheads together, his fingers curling behind Yamapi's slender neck.

"You're my precious kouhai, Tomo."

"Is that all I am?"

The words slipped out. The taller had only a mere second to realize what he had said. He went to pull back but Takki's strong hand easily held him in place. Fear raced up his spine at the reaction from the elder. His eyes closed again in response. They were clenched tight until he felt the softest touch against his eyelids.

"Tomo, look at me." Takki quietly commanded.

Yamapi willed his eyes open. He gazed downward to look at the smaller man's face. His image was soft and quiet. A very small smile painted his lips. His fingers slid downwards and hooked Yamapi's chin.

"No, Tomo. You are so much more than my kouhai. You're my best friend. You're like my little brother. And yes, you're going to be my lover."

The simple declaration unsteadied the younger man. Yamapi opened his mouth to say something but was silenced as Takki covered his lips with his. A bare squeak of sound escaped Yamapi's lungs before his arms came to life. He wrapped them tightly around Takki's neck.

The older man moved forward and pressed Yamapi against the slickened shower wall. The water streamed down their frames. Each kiss seperated for a breath's moment before their mouths met again. Bare chests slid against one another. The sensation was electrifying. Yamapi whimpered as Takki freed his lips to press wet kisses against the length of the taller's neck.

The younger squirmed pleasurably. He turned his head to press his cheek into Takki's blonded, silken hair. The smaller's strong arms wrapped secure around Yamapi's waist and back. Yamapi groaned as a firm amount of suction was applied to his nape. A swift bite had the younger almost dropping to his knees. Takki drew his mouth back, licking at the small spot as the shower water continued to pour down on them.

"That's so everyone will know that you're mine." Takki whispered in Yamapi's ear. "I don't want you to cover it up. I want everyone to see it."

The possessive tone in Takki's voice made Yamapi's heart skip. He only nodded in response. The blonded man began to place slow kisses down Yamapi's chest. His tongue darted out to trace the random streams of water sliding down the taller's front. The pattern was interrupted periodically by Takki's fingers pressing into sensitive muscle.

Takki continued downward, lowering to his knees. The towel around Yamapi's waist was soaked through. Takki gripped the heavy cloth and pulled it free. Yamapi gasped out loud as the fabric fell from his sharp hips. Takki pressed his lips to Yamapi's navel, tongue flicking over the scar where his navel piercing once was.

"T-t-takki..." the young man stuttered.

"Sssh, let me, Tomo."

Yamapi gave a short nod, his hands trembling. One palm settled on Takki's shoulder, the other coming to rest on his head. Yamapi watched as Takki leaned forward, his senses already racing.


Yamapi suddenly bolted upright, his eyes blurred. He shook out the fogginess to look up at a slender man looking down at him. Jin's expression was amused as he knelt down.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"What? I? Where the hell am I?"

Jin let out a laugh as he held out his hand to his best friend.

"You were watching Ryo fight it out with Tegoshi and Koyama. I guess you must have drifted off. I heard you muttering in your sleep and thought that I had better come wake you up."

"But... Didn't I take a shower?"

"No." Jin said. "Why?"

"But I was sure I did."

"No, you've been sitting here the whole time. You must have been dreaming."



Yamapi shook his head ruefully as he finally grabbed Jin's hand. The brunette just chuckled as he pulled Yamapi to his feet.

"Did you finally get a message?"


"Yah, you've been checking for a message from Takkisempai for like the past three hours. It was actually getting a little annoying."

"I was?"

"Are you okay, Pi? I mean, do you need to lay down and get some rest for real?"

Yamapi shook his head and then let out his very quiet laugh.

"No, just stress. Always get wired before the Countdown events."

"True. Hey, why don't we go and grab something to eat? They're setting up from another run through, so we've got about fifteen minutes."

"Sounds good." Yamapi said with a nod.

The two began to head down the corridor. Jin suddenly stopped his best friend, moving just a little of Yamapi's hair from his neck. He let out a low whistle and then playfully slugged the younger in the shoulder.

"Hey, what's that for?"

"Did you see the size of that bruise on your neck? Okay, fess up, what were you doing last night?"


"Uh, yah."

Jin drug Yamapi over to a nearby mirror and turned his head. On his neck was a very evident bruise. Yamapi went wide eyed as he reached up and touched the mark. It was tender and there was a slight sting to it.

"So are you going to tell me who gave it to you?"

Yamapi thought about his supposed dream. Or had it really happened? He touched his neck and then looked at Jin.


"Jerk." Jin said with a laugh.

Yamapi's phone suddenly buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the screen. There was a text message from Takki glowing on the small monitor. Jin peered over Yamapi's shoulder.

"Oi, thank you, I thought he'd never text you. I'll meet you down the hall in a couple minutes, okay?"

Yamapi gave a disconnected nod, hearing only half of Jin's words. He opened up the message, scrolling down. There was a little picture of a heart and then at the bottom was the actual message.

Tomo, make sure you don't cover it up. I want everyone to know you're mine. Love, Takki.

Yamapi closed the phone with a small smile on his face. Whether it happened or whether it was a dream, he would never completely know. However, he did finally know one thing.

He knew where he stood.


yamapi, fan fiction, takkapi, johnny's boys, johnny's entertainment, takki

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