Oct 02, 2007 11:10
Ohayo there, minnasan! Hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well! I am here to post a bit of information about the upcoming event in Rapid City for all of my local Black Hills area fans! So here it goes!
Genki no Cosplay presents the 1st Annual SoDak Anime Event occurring on Saturday, October 27th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be located at the Civic Center Holiday Inn in the Hammonds room. There will be a cosplay contest, art contest, games, a Silent Auction and so much more! So feel free to come in cosplay and join us for a really fun time!
On a random note, the "Great Room Purge of 2007" is coming to a close. All I have left to do is clean out my chest of drawers and my closet. Which quite frankly will probably take me two days since the only really interesting thing about my tiny room is that in fact, I have a walk-in closet. Now you all know where my "Inner Anime Space" is located! =^^=;;
That's all for today, hope everyone has a great week! Ja ne! =~.^=V
sodak event,