Wow, It has been a While... =^^=;;

Oct 25, 2012 14:41

Konnichiwa, minnasan, I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well! I can't believe I haven't updated this LJ since July. Things have been so crazy on my end that I can hardly find time to update anything but a quick status change on my FB.

So I guess I'll give the SUPER DUPER LITERAL SHORTENED VERSION OF THINGS GOING ON WITH ME to spare everyone a long rambling post.

1. Recovered from my knee surgery nicely.
2. Have a wonderful boyfriend who cosplays and adores me in lolita
3. Went back to work after two months off.
4. Came back from Disney World a couple weeks ago.
5. Was going to attempt NaNoWriMo next month but just do not have the time.

As for the writing, yes, I do plan to begin writing again. I'm thinking of posting one of my original fiction pieces but not within the NaNo time frame because I get so little time to write nowadays. Would my readers be interested in seeing my original work besides my fan fiction?

Sorry this post is so short, I actually have to run and start prepping for dinner. Seems like lately I don't even know where the day goes! =O.o= But I am going to sincerely try to keep up my LJ starting next month. I hope everyone stays well. Ja ne for now! =~.^=V

stuff, life, cosplay, nanowrimo, tired, busy

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