FICLET: "Something that Looks Like Forever or Never at All" (A Ficlet)

Aug 16, 2011 19:44

Konbanwa, minnasan, I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well! Thank you to everyone for all the get well wishes. I'm still recovering from the adjustment but my cyatic nerve has let up considerably and I'm able to sit down for longer periods of time. =^^= That really makes me happy! Plus, I was also able to start working on my Korean lessons again, a short break really did me good!

On a completely random thing, I went and checked on my really old blog ...aesthetic... just to see if I could remember the log in code. I did and to my surprise, my hit counter was still working! I haven't updated that thing in close to four years and my hit counter read "25,635" visits. =O.o= So I updated! XD I may revamp that and start posting a more fashion based blog there, but haven't decided yet. Still, I'm surprised that it's been that popular for that long!

I also wrote a little ficlet in the space of five minutes while working on the next chapter of "Second Sight." I really like this one, it reads almost like poetry and kind of bounces in a rhythm like a song. So, enjoy and ja ne for now! =~.^=V

"Something that Looks Like Forever or Never at All" (A Ficlet)
By: Miracle Shining

PAIRING: Seunghyun/Jiyong (GTop)
GENRE: Angst/Romance
LEGAL JUNK: Don't own, just borrowing
SUMMARY: Jiyong isn't sure if there's a real difference between forever and never. (Told from Ji's POV).
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Written very rapidly while working on the next chapter of "Second Sight." Thank you!


When you think about it, the words "Forever" and "Never" sound an awful lot alike, don't you think?

After all, they both contain "ever" and that's very final series of letters when put together. They rhyme and sound pretty and roll off the tongue in an easy kind of way.

But Forever and Never fits us really well, doesn't it?

We're Forever running after each other because we can Never get it right. We're Forever dodging questions and side stepping accusing gazes because we Never want to deal with it. We're Forever hiding behind banal smiles and forced laughs because we Never are able to drop the facades.

Somewhere between You and I and Us, there is still Forever and Never. Because it's not all that bad when you get down to it. Because some times good things come out of those two pretty, rhyming little words.

We're Forever running back into each other's arms because we can Never be without the other. We're Forever dodging the world and side stepping the lies because we Never want to let go of our bond. We're Forever hiding behind those smiles and forced laughs because we Never know when the time will come when we can drop those facades.

And maybe because of all that, I have a hard time telling the difference any more between those two pretty, rhyming words.

And you know what, Seunghyun?

That's okay.

forever, big bang, t.o.p., one-shot, fan fiction, drabble, ficlet, g-dragon, g-top

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