FIC: "Immortal" (Chapter Four)

Mar 28, 2011 19:16

Konbanwa, minnasan, I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well. It was kind of a lousy day for me today. I couldn't use my crutches at work so I put a lot more pressure on my ankle than I should have. So I'm a bit of a hurting unit this evening. But in least I can sit down and keep my foot up for a little while, ne?

In the mean time, I wrote the newest chapter of "Immortal." This story is coming to my mind in a whirlwind and I'm barely getting enough time to tap the words out before I'm wanting to write the next line. It's good but it can really wear a person out! ::chuckles:: I'm actually going to probably take a couple days off now so I can recoupe. However, I hope everyone enjoys the newest update. To give you an idea of Seunghyun's performance, I based it after early Iggy Pop singing gigs. Thank you and ja ne for now! =~.^=V

By: Miracle Shining

Banner by: atenais_pala

MAIN PAIRING: Seunghyun/Jiyong
SUBPARING: Seunghyun/Joon (Alex/Jungmin), Ninja!Pairings
RATING: PG-13 to NC-17 (Will be notated if R or NC-17)
GROUPS/ARTISTS: Big Bang, MBLAQ, Rain, Se7en
GENRE: Angst/Dark Themes/Sexual Situations
LEGAL JUNK: Don't own, just borrowing.
SUMMARY: When Seunghyun is cast as the controversial lead in a new movie, YG uses it as a platform to further advertise Big Bang. As shooting starts, Seunghyun begins to reveal a hidden, much darker, sensual side. Jiyong soon finds himself caught between his duty as group leader and his growing forbidden desire for Seunghyun. Because when one becomes "Immortal," they will never fade.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Written after seeing the "W Korea" photoshoot and a few recent Big Bang performances. I hope everyone enjoys and thank you for the support here at the GTop community! =^^=V

Prologue l Chapter One l Chapter Two l Chapter Three l



Seunghyun scanned over his lines for the tenth time since early morning. He took an ink pen and made a couple marks next to words of particular signifigance. He would have to make a point of remembering to emphasize those when he spoke the lines.

The sun came through his little trailer's window and blinded him briefly. He set the script down and pulled the curtains closed. The tall rapper returned to his seat and picked up the pages again.

It had been four days since he had seen Jiyong in the bathroom at the YG building. It had been four days since he had kissed the younger on the forehead. It had been four days and Seunghyun still got an indistinct thrill when he licked his lips. Like a magnet being drawn to a piece of steel. Irresistable and undeniable.

The youth shivered and shook his head. He found his mind briefly wandering to whether or not Jiyong used the lyrics he had written down. Seunghyun had poured his heart and soul into those words. He knew it would hurt if their leader didn't at least consider them.

But he and Jiyong were at odds right now. He had worked long enough with his friend to know when someone was standing on a very taut wire. One wrong move and everything would sever and come tumbling down.

Despite that, Seunghyun found himself feeling unusually calm. For once, he felt really happy. He was enjoying his work, he was enjoying the people, and he really was enjoying being at ease with himself. He didn't cringe as much when he passed by a full length mirror. In fact, he had started to make a point of stopping and observing himself for a few seconds. It was nice to feel a smile come to his lips instead of a feeling of criticalness.

His mind drifted back to Jiyong once again. He knew that their leader didn't approve of him taking the role of "Alex." The taller knew it was a risky manuever in more than one way. If the film failed, it could destroy his career as an actor. It could also damage Big Bang's reputation, since their song would be the closing credits tune.

However, if the film succeeded, Seunghyun would be secure in his position and be able to achieve a number of roles previously unavailable to him. Big Bang would have a song heard by many who had never considered listening to the group before.

There were so many pros and cons to his current situation. The silver haired man blew out a puff of air and tried to focus on the words in front of him again. He flipped the page and studied the scene when a soft knock came to his trailer door.

Seunghyun stood and walked over. He opened the trailer door a crack to see a mess of short, light brown hair. He half smiled and drew the passage open.

"Hey, Joon. What can I help you with?"

Joon tried to smile but tapped his fingers together nervously in front of him. Seunghyun waited a moment before he sidestepped and gestured for the younger to come inside.

"Thanks." Joon said softly.

The elder nodded as the smaller slipped through. He stood stiffy in the other's trailer. He was obviously agitated the way he was gripping at the bottom of his t-shirt.

"Can I get you anything to drink?"

"N-n-no." Joon stuttered before clearing his throat. "No, thank you, Hyung."

"What brings you to my trailer so early this morning?"

"Um, I wanted to ask you something."

"Okay." Seunghyun responded curiously.

"Do you have your script out?"

"Actually, yes. I was just reading over my club scene."

"Can I ask you about a scene?"

Seunghyun's eyebrows raised slightly but he gave a nod. He walked back to his seat and picked up the script resting on the cushions. He gestured for Joon to come and join him. The youth took a couple small steps and sat down. His back was almost rigid from some kind of hidden tension.

"Which part did you want to ask me about?"

"Scene 48."

Seunghyun began to page through his script. He reached the number in question and began to read over the brief summary along with some of the spoken lines. His confusion eased and he felt a little grin tug at the corners of his lips.

"Ah, I see. Are you worried about doing this?"

Joon nodded, his cheeks taking on a very deep red. Seunghyun's face softened and he squeezed the younger's shoulder affectionately.

"It's okay." the elder assured him. "These kind of scenes aren't easy to do."

"But you're so calm talking about it." Joon returned. "I mean, I know that was in the script but when I got to it..... I don't know, I just felt all weird inside."

Seunghyun gave Joon a thoughtful look. He understood that this young man was perhaps taking an even bigger risk than he was by accepting the role of "Jungmin." His whole career was still ahead of him and a failure could easily destroy any future prospects.

"Would you like to talk to the director? Maybe we could have the scene changed to be a little less intense."

Joon shook his head avidly.

"No!" he replied loudly and then blushed again. "No, I want the scene to stay in there. I just... I don't quite know how to do it. I've never, you know, with anyone before. Boy or girl. What about if it turns out all wrong?"

"They have people to help direct movements and appropriate touches. Though it is going to be a very heated scene, I doubt there will be more showing than needs to be. Plus, we'll be practicing it before the cameras even start rolling."

Joon was almost as red as an apple by that time. Seunghyun let out a very soft laugh and slid his arm around the younger's shoulder. He brought him against him in a friendly embrace.

"Try not to think about that right now. We won't even be getting there for another two to three weeks providing shooting runs smoothly. So just focus on the easier parts for now, okay?"

"Thanks, Hyung." Joon replied, looking more at ease. "I'm really glad I get to work with you, you're so professional."

"Well, while you're here, why don't we go ahead and run through our lines after the car incident?" Seunghyun suggested.

"Okay!" Joon perked up.

The smaller began to shuffle the pages to that scene number. Seunghyun leaned back and thought about what Joon had just said. He had never had an experience with either genders. Seunghyun himself had plenty of experience with both, unbeknowst to anyone but Daesung. His thoughts turned briefly to their blonded group leader.

The touches and caresses that he would be giving Joon in the film were simply an outlet for what he couldn't do to Jiyong. But in least he could finally feel without shame.

It was a small compensation for not having what he wanted most.


Jiyong sat up in a cold sweat. He drew in thick gulps of air and immediately pushed himself out of bed. The blonded youth half stumbled out of his bedroom and into the bathroom. He quickly spun the cold dial on the bathtub and all but submerged his head underneath the stream of water.

He had had another incredibly erotic dream.

Usually he wasn't troubled by them. Most of the time they were about two gorgeous women or a sexy unknown man seeing to his every whim. He would wake up completely aroused and then would take care of the situation before he fell back to sleep in a pleased, sated state.

But this time around it was more than that. There were no women or unnamed male. There was only Seunghyun clad in those vinyl black pants with his eyes outlined in thick raven makeup. He had approached Jiyong in the dream and pinned him against the wall.

Even in that lucid state, Jiyong had tried to struggle but quit as Seunghyun's lips pressed to his open mouth. It was incredible and he had melted into the other's embrace. From there, though the images grew hazy, it was completely about sensation. Jiyong was totally out of control and was drowning in the sheer pleasure of it.

It was also too real.

The younger finally reached up and turned off the water spilling over his head. Thick droplets splashed down in the basin of the tub. He watched the crystalline fluid swirl and disappear down the drain.

Jiyong slowly sat down on the bathroom floor. The hardness was still pressing against the front of his sleep pants. He briefly let his fingertips brush over the front and shuddered at the spike of pleasure. His mind wandered to the the kiss Seunghyun and Joon had shared. He then thought how easy it was for the taller to kiss Jiyong on his forehead.

Would Seunghyun touch Joon the way Jiyong had seen in his dream? Would it be that impassioned, that firey, that controlling? Would he make the younger man cry and beg the way the dream Seunghyun made the Big Bang leader?

The images flooded too quickly and Jiyong clutched the sides of his head to push the moment away. His mind was too vivid for it's own good and he snarled at himself. Seunghyun was getting too far under his skin.

Or maybe the other had always been there.


The whole area was buzzing with cameras, light props, boom sticks and a lot of technical computer equipment. People were running from one side of the area to the other as props were positioned and repositioned by order of the director.

Four young men stood watching everything in awe. They mutually stepped back as a man pushing a cart containing guitars slipped by them.

"Wow, this is really awesome!" Seungri stated with his mouth open slightly.

"It looks just like a real rocker club." Taeyang agreed. "Right down to the walls that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to touch."

"Ugh." Daesung added.

"It is pretty cool." Jiyong admitted.

The Big Bang members had been invited by the studio to do a cameo appearance in the movie's opening club scene. They were to be attendees watching "Crash" perform just prior to Seunghyun's character "Alex" going on the binge drinking spree.

"Hey look, it's Seven-hyung!" Seungri pointed.

The others turned to see Dongwook approaching from the left. He smiled and waved at the younger men.

"Hey there, guys."

"Wow, I didn't know you were going to be here." Jiyong said.

"I actually just showed up to see how Seunghyun was doing. But they asked me to stay for some of the scenes as a mini cameo. I'm guessing that's why you're here too?"

"Yes." Taeyang nodded. "Have you seen Seunghyun yet?"

"I visited with him briefly before they hauled him off to wardrobe and makeup. He's really looking forward to performing the song the music people wrote for his 'band.' It's pretty intense."

"Like when he wrote 'Oh Mom'?" Jiyong questioned.

No matter how upset he had been about the night's dream previous, Jiyong had really wanted to come and see Seunghyun sing. He had never told the taller he was so envious about his performance of "Oh Mom." The music was intense in a way that Jiyong just couldn't seem to capture.

"Even more than that." Dongwook replied. "The song is very close to heavy metal. I never thought Seungie as a rapper would be able to do something like this but I'm happy to say that I'm wrong."

A couple staff members approached the five speaking. They directed them to makeup before the filming started. They all nodded and obeidently followed, all chatting lightly about Seunghyun's premiere performance.


The silver haired man drew in a deep breath and looked at himself in the wardrobe mirror. He rotated his shoulders and neck, popping out the tension that had formed at the base. He closed his eyes and brought himself completely into focus.

"I am Alex." he mumured to himself. "Alex is me. We are one and the same."

It was an addage he would repeat to himself with any character he was cast as. It was a way of readying himself for a part. But never until this role had it been truer.

Slowly he opened his eyes and saw himself in the reflection once again. His lips curved into a dark, promising smile as a knock came from the door behind him.

"Top?" a voice echoed. "They're ready to start shooting the scene."

"So am I."


The Big Bang members along with Dongwook shifted among the other extras in the film. There were a few young ladies who requested autographs and photos after the shoot. But most everyone else in the group were either unfamiliar with Big Bang or weren't taken back by them. Deep down, it irritated Jiyong just a little even if he didn't say anything.

The director stepped onto the stage and gestured for everyone to go quiet.

"We'll be shooting the club performance sequence four times. This is so we can get multiple angles. Just keep your energy up and make sure you look enthusiastic at all times. We're going to start rolling in about five minutes."

The audience began to speak in soft whispers as the tech crew tested out the instruments and did a couple sound checks on the microphone.

"This is really exciting!" Daesung exclaimed.

"I know, we've never really got to see Seunghyun actually acting with the exception of our parodies. This is a lot heavier."

Jiyong said nothing as the other three members continued to talk to one another. He was actually focusing on the sound of the tuning guitar. The first solid strum brought a smile to his face. No matter what kind of music, it never failed to touch his heart.

"What do you think about Seunghyun's role?" Dongwook suddenly questioned.

"Huh?" Jiyong returned.

"The role. What do you think of him taking it?"

"I'm not sure." Jiyong repsonded honestly. "It wouldn't have been something I would have done."

"Neither would have I." Dongwook returned.

"Really?" Jiyong asked, his voice a little more hopeful than it should have been.

"But I'm also not an actor like Seunghyun. He can do things that no one else could even dream of. So I'm really happy he's been cast for this. It's a big, scary step and I'm proud that he wasn't afraid to take it."

Jiyong felt a frown pull at his lips. That wasn't the answer he was looking for. Even Dongwook was being supportive of Seunghyun's choice.

"Attention, we'll be starting to shoot in a few moments."

The sound of approaching footsteps drew everyone's attention to the right. A group of four men began to scale the small steps that led up to the stage. There was a man with vibrant blood red dyed hair wearing nothing more than a pair of cut off shorts. He walked behind the drum kit. Another smaller man with streaked hair, a torn t-shirt and ripped jeans picked up the bass. A slightly taller, much younger looking youth wearing a tanktop and a pair of leather pants grabbed up the guitar. The final person to reach the stage was Seunghyun.

Jiyong's brain instantly stopped registering anything else around him.

Seunghyun was once again clad in those sinful black vinyl pants that showed off his sharp cut hips. He was wearing knee high combat boots over them. His eyes were lined with smoky charcoal and liquid black eyeliner. Two silver earrings dangled from each ear. His hair had been accented with more silver and what looked like a little glitter, styled in carefully touseld spikes. The meshed fishnet top clung to Seunghyun's torso in all the right places, a little glitter having toppled from his head to get wrapped up in the fabric.

The young rapper glanced back at his "bandmates" and began to tap his foot. The others nodded and started to thrum with the beat.

"Wow, they're going to perform this live instead of lipsynching?" Seungri exclaimed as the crowd started to come to life.

"I guess so!"

The first real heavy hits from the bass began to reverberate through the club. The drums started to hammer out a steady, deep beat. Without warning, the guitar seared to life with a purposely sharp wail before the melody started to become evident.

Seunghyun let the sensation of those beats fill him to the brink. He had always had difficulty with getting in the spirit of dancing. He was stiff mover by nature, it was easier that way. But this was different. This wasn't controlled. This music was free and dangerous.

He felt his hips start to sway as he reached out for the microphone. His fingers grasped the top and curled delicately around the metal. He leaned forward and began to barely speak.

Jiyong felt his heart literally fly into his throat. Seunghyun was whispering into the mic, the words subtle and smoldering. The lyrics were extremely suggestive, he could still make them out even over the throng of shouting people.

The song suddenly crescendoed and then without warning Seunghyun opened his mouth and let out the loudest scream Jiyong had ever heard.

The nearly ear splitting shriek jolted the crowd and they went from just screaming to a kind of frenzy, hands reaching up to grasp Seunghyun on the stage.

The tall silver haired man began to spin on his heels, yanking the mic from it's stand and carelessly tossing the metal piece to the side. He didn't walk as much as he slithered from one side of the small area to the other. His body contorted in a snake like manner as his vocals continued to move from being breathless words to violent exclaimations.

Jiyong blinked and tried to focus on exactly what was happening. He turned to his right to see the other members literally caught up in the moment. Seungri was shouting enthusiastically and Taeyang was waving his hands. Daesung was holding a thumbs up and bouncing on the balls of his feet. Jiyong turned to see that Dongwook, though much less expressive, was bobbing his head in approval.

Seunghyun curled the microphone cord around his arms and let it wrap around his waist. He moved his body so the object would caress between his legs, fingers stroking up and down. He felt hands slide against his vinyl clad legs as he leaned down to sing once again in a whispered voice to some of the young women at the front of the stage.

The song began to draw to a close. Seunghyun's voice raised in volume once again, his head flying up and down. Sweat that was already beading from his forehead spun off him with touches of glitter as his short hair whipped with his movement. The final notes struck on the bass and Seunghyun let out another heart rending scream. It felt as if the basest desire of his soul had been pushed out through his vocal chords.

When the song ended, Seunghyun let the microphone fall from his fingers as he had been instructed. He simply walked off the stage and pushed through the crowd as the camera followed him. He weaved through the people, a short distance from where the Big Bang members and Dongwook were standing. He kicked open the door and vanished through the entryway.

"CUT!" the director shouted. "Excellent job!"

Seunghyun stuck his head back in and was greeted by applause. He gave a very shy smile and a gesture of gratitude.

"Seunghyun was just... I mean have you ever... I mean..." Taeyang began.

"That was incredible." Daesung whispered.

The others nodded in agreement. Jiyong said nothing as he watched Seunghyun slip back inside and take an offered cup of hot tea. He considered walking over and congratulating the other but found he couldn't move his legs.

Seunghyun let the hot liquid roll down his already sore throat. Despite it hurting, it was a wonderful pain because he had been able to express himself so clearly. He looked in the crowd and smiled when he saw Dongwook was present. He was grateful for the elder, the man had taken such good care of him when he was a trainee.

The silver haired man smiled even more when he saw Daesung, Taeyang and Seungri. His eyebrows knit together as he tried to locate Jiyong. He finally saw the blonde leader stepping away from Dongwook. The young man looked at Seunghyun for only a moment before dropping his eyes and turning away.

Seunghyun felt something sting inside of him suddenly. He pushed the pain down as he focused on what still had to be done, no matter how much it hurt.

immortal, joon, mblaq, se7en, bi rain, big bang, t.o.p., fan fiction, rain, g-top, g-dragon

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