FIC: "The Situation with the Kissing Scenes"

Feb 28, 2011 20:25

Konbanwa, minnasan, I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well! I'm pretty much exhausted, it was a busy day at work! But some times that's much nicer because it makes the night go so much quicker, ne?

Anyhoo, I have a little GTop one-shot that sprang to my head as I was brewing over a Yamapi X Multiple Kpop artists drabbles and thought I would post it. And yiss, a similiar experience happened to me that's shown in this little ficlet. Enjoy and ja ne for now! =~.^=V

"The Situation with the Kissing Scenes"
By: Miracle Shining

PAIRING: Seunghyun/Jiyong with Seunghyun + the rest of the BB boyz
GENRE: Humor/Fluff/Crack
WARNINGS: Some mild language
LEGAL JUNK: Don't own, just borrowing.
SUMMARY: Jiyong wonders why he's the only one having trouble with the kissing scene.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: After watching "Secret Garden" a few times, this popped into my head. The last line is actually something I said after a similiar incident in this story happened to me. I hope everyone enjoys!


Jiyong just didn't get it.

The rapper watched as the wardrobe and hair noonas scurried around the room fixing up all the members. Taeyang was trying to keep his long hair from migrating to the left side of his head. Daesung couldn't find his tie. Seungri switched sunglasses four times. Seunghyun was simply standing there, calm and collected.

That was what Jiyong didn't get.

How could Seunghyun be so calm when he was going to have kiss both Seungri and himself a number of different times? It sure as hell didn't make him feel that way.

In fact, it made his stomach flip and he was all nerves just thinking about it.

"Cool it, Ji. You're G-Dragon, you're the fearless Big Bang leader!" Jiyong announced to himself. "And you're not going to let a little liplock between you and Seungie shake that foundation."

But what if it wasn't a little kiss?

What about if the director decided he wanted a much more intimate scene? What if he got too much foam on his mouth? What if he snorted some of it up his nose? What if...

"Hyung? Hyung?"

Jiyong turned to look at Taeyang. The younger member was blowing some of the long bangs out of his eyes. He paused before pointing down to the other man's sweatshirt bottom.

"You're going to tear a hole in that if you keep fiddling with it."

The other didn't even realize he had bunched up the hem between his fingers. He drew in a deep breath and released the fabric. He straightened his back and tried to look as though his thoughts weren't in utter chaos.

"Are you getting ready for your kissing scene?"

"WHY WOULD YOU ASK THAT?!" Jiyong responded far too loudly.

Taeyang raised an eyebrow and a smile curved on his lips. Jiyong quickly waved his hands back and forth in front of him.

"Sorry, didn't realize I had the volume up on my voice box." he tried to joke.

"Ooookayyy." Taeyang returned lightly. "Any ways, it's not that big of a deal. I really thought that Seungri would have had more of an issue, but he was cool with it. And you've kissed Top-hyung before."

"Actually, I haven't. In the 'Coffee Prince' parody, we just did a stage kiss." Jiyong confessed.

Taeyang chuckled softly.

"It won't be that hard to kiss Seunghyun." the younger said softly.

"How the hell do you know?" Jiyong pressed.

"Because it isn't. See, I'll show you."

The young man watched his best friend walk over to Seunghyun. The taller gave the smaller an affectionate smile.

"What can I help you with?" Seunghyun asked.

"Oh nothing." Taeyang replied with a wink. "I was just thinking I should give you a little kiss for good luck."


"After all, you've got a long day ahead of you."

"That I do. All right."

Jiyong's mouth fell open as Taeyang rested his hands flat on Seunghyun's shoulders and pressed a very light kiss to the other's mouth. He pulled back and the taller gave him an affectionate pat on his cheek. The wardrobe people didn't even notice, just continuing with their work.

"But... That's... He's..." Jiyong tried to say.

"Problems, Ji?"

The youth turned to see Daesung standing next to him. He was fiddling with his new tie. The smaller made a gesture with his head toward the direction where Taeyang and Seunghyun were standing.

"Youngbae just kissed Seunghyun-hyung." he whispered.

"And?" Daesung waited patiently.

"And?! And?! He just kissed him!!"

"And you and Seungri will later, so what's the problem?" the other asked curiously.

"The problem is that Bae just sauntered right up to him and put his mouth on him. You just can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"Why not? Why not?"

"Yeah, why not? I do it all the time."

Jiyong's expression was frozen. He tried to form words but nothing came to him. Daesung just shrugged a little and walked over to Seunghyun. Taeyang had been grabbed by one of the hair stylists once again as he had pulled on his wig too much. Daesung smiled at the elder dark haired rapper.

"Daesung?" he asked in his deep, quiet voice.

"Are you getting ready for your kissing scenes?"

"I am. I think they'll go okay. Youngbae already wished me good luck."

"Well, I think I should too. After all, who knows how many takes it will take to get the scene right."

"Very true."

Daesung proceeded to lean forward and press his mouth to Seunghyun. The two held the kiss for a moment and then drew back. Seunghyun gave the other a very warm smile as Daesung smoothed down his scarf.

".........He..... Just.... I....... Him....."

Jiyong couldn't form a coherent thought as he felt something soft brush against his cheek. Seungri was standing next to him wearing that fluffy collared black coat the wardrobe assistants had issued him. He pulled down the sunglasses to gaze over the rims.

"You ready for the kissing scenes, hyung?" Seungri questioned.

Finally! Someone who could get Jiyong's problem!

"I don't know about this, Ri. I mean, this is really awkward."

"You think so?"

"You don't?"

"Not really. I mean, it's not the first time I've kissed Seunghyun."

Some part of Jiyong's mental capabilities exploded and turned to dust inside of his brain. He stared at the youngest Big Bang member, his eyes the size of saucers.


Seungri tilted his head curiously at Jiyong.

"What 'what'?" he asked.

"You mean.... You... He... It..."

"You know, you need to work on your vocabulary, hyung. You're really hard to understand some times." Seungri commented lightly.

The smaller man watched as the youngest sauntered over to Seunghyun. Daesung had wandered off to talk with one of the staff about some of his lines. The dark haired man turned and offered the other a very bright grin.

"So, should we do it like the television show or do you want to do it different?" Seungri questioned.

"Since we're doing the 'Secret Garden' parody, we probably should stick to the original idea as best we can. Which means I'll have to tickle you and then we'll have to go from there."


"All right, but you know we should run the steps to that point."

Seunghyun leaned forward and pressed his lips to Seungri's. The young man waved his arms briefly before resting them on Seunghyun's upper arms.

"He's not even fighting this kiss..." Jiyong glowered.

The small man stormed off to the nearby snack table. He grabbed an apple and bit into it.

So everyone in the group had been kissing Seunghyun and he hadn't. Well, he wasn't one to just stand there and take that. He would make sure to correct this injustice immediately.


Jiyong sat at the little cafe table doing his arm gestures to the song playing. The director wanted them to run through the scene a couple times to make sure it looked authentic. Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri were watching from the sidelines. Seunghyun made his entrance and the two began to recite their lines.

The first time Jiyong started laughing because of a face Seunghyun made. The second time Seunghyun forgot his line and Jiyong slapped him on the hand.

But they say third time is a charm.

The scene was going flawlessly. Jiyong took a sip of his cappuccino, the foam getting stuck on his lip and thankfully not up his nose. Seunghyun made the comment about how women never do that with other women, only when men are present. Jiyong went to wipe it off.

"Ah, it's dirty." Seunghyun replied.

The elder went to lean forward and kiss Jiyong. The other group members waited in anticipation for Jiyong's expression. Something else all together happened.

The beanie clad man suddenly sprang from his chair. He grabbed Seunghyun by the shoulders and proceeded to flip him down onto the table. Within moments, Jiyong was half straddling him and their mouths were tangled up in an extremely heated kiss.

Taeyang dropped the bottle of water he was holding.

Daesung covered his mouth in shock.

Seungri pulled his sunglasses down to watch.

Jiyong drew back finally, his whole form heaving. Seunghyun opened the eyes he didn't know he had closed. His back was wet from the spilled coffee drink and the table was digging into his lower spine.

"This. Is. Mine." Jiyong announced to everyone watching.

Taeyang nodded in agreement. Daesung made a nervous 'thumbs up' motion. Seungri just rolled his eyes and half smiled. Jiyong looked down at Seunghyun. The man had said nothing since Jiyong had released him for air.

"Seungie?" he questioned softly.

There were a lot of thoughts that had been running through Seunghyun's head. How would Jiyong take to him kissing him? Would it be awkward? Would they have to continually reshoot the scene? Would there be after effects? But after having the other man's passionate lips on his and pretty much sucking the breath out of his lungs, he only could think of one thing to say.

"I can't feel my toes."


kiss, one, big bang, t.o.p., one-shot, fan fiction, g-dragon, g-top

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