NANOWRIMO: "Orchids" (Chapter Twelve)

Nov 12, 2010 13:24

Konnichiwa, minnasan, I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well! I had to leave work an hour and a half early because I pinched my cyatic nerve in the morning. Somehow I managed six hours before I couldn't take it any more. I feel quite a bit better now that my muscle relaxer and anti-inflammatory have kicked in.

And thanks to everyone who's been reading my NaNo thus far! The last chapter was wicked fun to write, that's for sure! Now, we're moving onto the suspense portion and I hope the next parts are a bit of a roller coaster! Ja ne for now! =~.^=V

CHAPTER TWELVE: An Unexpected Visitor


"Samuel, I'm marrying him whether you like it or not."

"Katelain, are you nuts? A man like him is after only one thing! Do you know how risky his stocks are already?"

"That's all you ever think about, isn't it? Just money, money, money. Don't you think that I might actually be in love with him?"

"Katelain, if you marry him..."

"You'll do what? Ground me? You're not our parents, Samuel, so give it up."

A soft press of lips against the corner of Samuel's eyes caused them to flicker open. He could make out little shimmers of glittering stars peeking through the thick leaves above his head. He turned his face a little to the left, gazing at a handsome face etched with concern next to him.

"You were talking in your sleep, man." Cale said very quietly. "I'm guessing it was to Katelain."

Sam gave a slight nod as he turned his whole body, Cale's arms welcoming him into a tight embrace. Their nude forms fit snugly against each other, Sam's fingers curling against his chest.

"I dream a lot about the last conversation I ever had with Katey Kay. She said that she loved Raymond. Maybe she really did, Cale. In least, she did in the beginning."

"What do you think went wrong?"

"I don't know. I think after Raymond was indicated in the embezzlement and the stocks plummeted, something happened then. The only way I even knew what was going on was via the paper and some times the gossip columns. I just can't shake the feeling that Raymond is the real reason behind Katey Kay's death still. Especially after reading that torn letter. Why didn't it get sent to me?"

"More the question, why did my boss have it." Cale stated thoughtfully.

"What do you know about Carlos Alvarez?" Sam asked as he drew a little circle on Cale's skin.

"Carlos Alvarez? Not very much." the DJ confessed. "Only a couple people have ever actually seen him. He flies in from time to time on a little prop job. I know that Marco owes him a large sum of money. Something to do with investments in the South American countries."

"Marco plays the world trade game then?"

"Yeah, man. Problem is, he's not very good at it. Rumor has it that last year he submerged almost all of the isle's plausible assets into a faulty stock thanks to a stupid tip he heard from one of our clients. Carlos was apparently there when it happened and offered Marco a way out. However, from what I understand through the grapevine, if he didn't keep up his payments to the man, there would be hell to pay."

Sam bit his lip thoughtfully, drumming his fingers against the islander's chest. Cale lifted his hand, stroking a little of the smaller's short brunette hair.

"There were quite a few manila envelopes in that drawer along with all that information about Katelain. They were addressed from Carlos Alvarez."

"No doubt receipts from any transactions Marco has had with him."

"But why hide my sister's information underneath all of that? It seems that those receipts or other business dealings would be something Marco would want to keep very private."

Sam stopped then and suddenly sat up. Cale was half startled and quickly joined his companion, brushing the soft sand off their forms.

"Cale, you don't think that my sister and Marco..."

The DJ's eyes narrowed at the idea. Sam could see the concept rolling around in his head before a grim expression crossed the normally smiling man.

"Marco does have a taste for wavy haired brunettes. He's got a track record to prove that."

"If that's true and Marco is potentially the one that got Katelain pregnant, could it be that he had someone kill her off to cover the whole thing up? Avoid a greater scandal while trying to pay off this Carlos Alvarez."

"As much as I don't want to say it, I could see him doing something like that. The man's my employer but he's also a slimy bastard. He would do anything to get a dollar, no matter how cruel or under handed."

Sam sighed softly as he looked out toward the water. The waterfall continue to splash down into the gentle pool, the ripples moving aimlessly, forming small circles and then spreading out, finally dissipating at the beach line.

"I wish we could stay here. Stop time and not have to do anything else." Sam whispered.

Cale's arm slid around his waist, pulling him close. He pressed a warm kiss to the nape of his neck.

"We will always have this moment, Sam. I don't know what's going to happen when we leave this spot but I have a feeling it's not going to end well. Trap the memory, man. Because we only get to live something perfect once, the rest is just replay."

The brunette looked to his right at Cale's face. He reached up his hand and touched the man's cheek.

"Thank you, Cale. Thank you for this. For tonight. For everything up until now."

"Nah man, I should be the one thanking you." Cale returned, his eyes soft.

"For what?"

"For making me realize I'm not what I thought I was. I don't have to serve anyone...Unless it's you asking me to be get on my knees."

The words smoldered still and Sam moved forward, pressing his mouth firmly against the other's. Cale's arms wrapped tight around him, dragging him forward to straddle his lap, bringing his legs around his hips.

"Mmm, I don't think we had better start something we can't finish." Sam murmured against his lips.

The DJ let out another one of his deep, heated laughs.

"Not finish here, but maybe when we get back to one of our villas. After all, I know a number of things that can be done only in a hammock."

"You're a damn pervert."

"And it makes you hot."

The younger couldn't argue the point as he gave the elder a quick peck. He resignedly pulled himself from the others embrace. He stood, his lower back protesting slightly. Sam winced as he moved his stiff legs over to the nearby rocks were his damp undergarment and cargo shorts were laying. He couldn't remember where his shirt had drifted off too and figured it didn't matter.

He glanced over his shoulder as he skimmed the still mildly wet clothing up over his ankles, securing the articles on his hips. Cale stood up slowly, his muscles moving underneath his tanned skin and fetched his own shorts from the beach.

"I don't think it's fair that your clothing is still dry." Sam teased lightly.

"Well, I can think of a way we can make it really wet." Cale replied.

"Later, later. Insatiable." Sam said with a light chuckle.

The young man pulled on his dry socks and slipped on his shoes, tying the laces. Cale was nearby strapping on his sandals. The brunette sighed to himself as he gathered up the papers into the folder, securing the photos in the back. He paused and opened up the torn notebook page again, rereading the last line.

"Raymond has taken..." Sam spoke to himself. "Taken what? Why was this torn off?"

"We had better get moving, Sam. Night doesn't last long on the island and I can only imagine the hell I'm going to have to pay for not showing up at the club."

"Are you going to get fired?"

"Between that, sending Marco the false text and getting Rita up in arms, I'm pretty sure I'll be looking for different employment by tomorrow."

Sam paused and looked at Cale almost shyly.

"I... I guess you could always come work for me... Or something..."

"Or something?" the DJ questioned.

Sam wasn't sure how to even reply but was caught by surprise when the taller took his hand, lacing their fingers together.

"I'll go wherever you go, Sam. Even if it takes me off this island."

The younger couldn't find the words to respond to that admission. He just gave a slight nod and followed Cale through the thick foliage back toward the unmarked trail. He clutched the folder close to his chest but found his mind wandering back to what the DJ had said only moments ago.

"Does that mean he... Could he actually?"


Sam was quickly ripped out his reverie by a very familiar voice. He shook his head as the duo came just over the hill where the trail officially ended. A tiny Japanese woman stood in pin heel on the gravel. She was clad in a tight purple mini dress with a diamond necklace. Her hair was now up in spiraling blonde curls and her glasses had been replaced with now turquoise circle lenses.

"Damn it, Sadie, stop shouting!" Cale hushed at her.

"Shouting? Shouting? YOU want to hear shouting? You should hear what's being done at Club Orchid right now? Rita in on a freaking rampage and Marco has a death warrant out for you!"

"Wow, you were right." Sam couldn't help but comment.

"And you, Samuel Beck. You... You... You are the best thing that ever has happened to this man!" Sadie suddenly exclaimed.


Sadie just bounced forward, throwing her arms around Sam's neck. He looked confused a moment before barely hugging the woman. She pulled back, her eyes shimmering as if she was going to cry at any moment.

"I thought that Ghost would have never found someone who could tame him. I must remember to thank all the deities for granting my wish."

Sam gave a side long glance at his partner. Cale was rubbing the back of his head with his free hand, looking utterly embarrassed for once. The expression alone made the younger smile, despite the whole situation.

"Um, thanks?" was all that Sam could think of at the moment.

"Emotions aside, seriously Ghost, you're in a hell of a lot of trouble." Sadie stated quietly. "I bolted so I could warn you. I figured you probably snuck off this direction, it's always the way you go when you disappear."

Cale gave a small motion of agreement.


"Go around the employee housing and down by the beach. You should be able to make it your Villa without being seen."


"Yes, Sammy?"

"Did you find Elaine yet?"

"No, I'm so ticked off at her!" Sadie stomped. "She's not answering her cell phone at all. I just keep getting her voice mail."

"I hope that she comes back soon."

"Me too." she replied, a little deflated.

"You better get back to the club before they notice you're missing too, girl." Cale suggested.

"Yeah, I know. Get to where your going and quick, it's going to be a wicked a.m."

The twosome nodded as Sadie spun on her pointed heels, making quick work down the path and disappearing around one of the bends.

"She's an amazing woman." Sam said.

"She's one in a million. Come on, we had better move if we don't want to get spotted."

Sam followed as Cale led him halfway down the path before they veered to a different concrete one. It snaked around the rears of the little employee cottages and took a steep incline down toward the beach. The sands were vacant with the exception of a couple wandering crabs and the occasional seagull.

The duo easily maneuvered down the shoals, moving at a quick speed to avoid any notice. Cale's home soon came into view, Sam's place visible just above.

"Cale, I need to go up to my place and get my lap top. Is there a way up from yours?"

"Yeah man, there's a set of steps. Sure you need it right now?"

"No, but there's a light on in my living room."


"I didn't leave one on." Sam stated.

Cale paused and looked at his companion.

"You don't have to do this, Sam."

"I know but I have too."

"I'm starting to think you’re definitely braver than you think."

Sam smiled slightly at that as Cale led him to the nearly hidden set of rock inlaid steps near the balcony of his home. They began their ascent. Both kept their speech to a minimum, trying to stay as silent as possible upon their approach.

The stone stairs ended at the base of Sam's balcony. He looked upwards to see the light visible through the sliding door. He reached to his chest and then remembered the shirt had not returned with them. He swore next to Cale.

"What's up?"

"My shirt had my pass key in it."

"Don't worry about it man, there's another trick to getting into your Villa."

"I would ask but I don't think I want to know."

Cale smirked and Sam shook his head. He followed the lanky DJ around to the farthest end of the balcony. There was a small hill that went up to the back door.

"Elaine said you could only open this with the key." Sam whispered.

"She has to say that. Actually, the door doesn't lock at all."

"'re kidding me."


Cale reached out and turned the knob slowly. The brass clicked open and the door let out a soft hiss as he opened it. He poked his head in, the rest of the rooms still dark.

"Okay, be careful."

The brunette still gripped Cale's hand tight as they slipped through the door. The villa was silent, the only illumination coming from the main living room. The duo paused in the hallway as Cale risked a slight glance into the space. Aside from the light being on, there appeared to be no one inside the room. Tentatively, the islander took a step out. He waited for a moment and then allowed Sam the chance to peek around him.

"Is there anyone here?" Sam mouthed at Cale.

"I don't see anyone." he replied in the same manner.

A sudden crash had both of them jumping. Sam covered his mouth to keep his scream inside when then Ghost Orchid that was sitting on his bar came tumbling off the counter. The pot shattered, sending the rare flower scattering over the kitchen's hard wood.

Cale's expression was crest fallen. He started to move to retrieve his precious plant when he spotted movement just behind the kitchen counter. He immediately pressed Sam back toward the hallway. A hand appeared, sliding across the top.

Sam forced Cale to move more so he could see what had happened. The Ghost Orchid was sprawled out on the floor. Leaves were torn and the sleeping bloom had split open. However, he could clearly see fingers seeming to play against the counter top. The hand stilled and then disappeared behind the counter.

Both barely breathed as the silence was interrupted by a quiet moan. The sound wasn't pleasant, almost as if the owner of the noise was in some kind of pain. Sam swallowed a thick lump in his throat and steeled his nerves.

"H-hello?" he stuttered to Cale's shock.

The elder went to quiet him when a very small voice spoke back.


Sam and Cale's eyes both widened as recognition set in. They quickly made their way across the living space into the kitchen. The stopped short at the sight in front of them.

A woman was half sitting, half lying on the kitchen floor. Her left arm was at a twisted angle behind her and her face was heavily bruised. Blood had dried underneath her nose and her blonde hair was knotted. Her normally crisp white uniform was stained with maroon and there was spotting down her shorts and onto her legs.

"ELAINE!" Cale shouted.

The DJ dropped to his knees, framing the young woman's face.

"What the hell happened?"

"I'm so sorry, Ghost..." Elaine sobbed. "I didn't mean to get into this, I really didn't. I just happened and then it all just got messed up."

"Messed up? What are you talking about?"

Sam gestured for Cale to give him his cell phone.

"I'll call 911, you need some medical help!"

"NO, NO! Don't do that!" Elaine pleaded.

"Lanie, you're hurt bad! You need an ambulance! Did someone rape you?"

"N-n-no, it wasn't anything like that! You have to understand when I tell him that I'm so sorry for all of this!"

"For this? For what happened to you?" Cale asked, confused.

"No, not for this!" Elaine shook her head.

She lowered her eyes and popped her neck suddenly. Sam saw the indistinct movement and remembered a similar maneuver when he was being trained to box. He glanced rapidly between Cale and the woman.

"CALE!" Sam shouted but it was too late.

Cale didn't have time to react as the woman suddenly moved her apparently wounded left arm with lightning speed. The DJ let out a shout as he fell backwards. A sharp knife was buried into his upper shoulder, the handle sticking out of the top. Cale struggled against the pain, trying to grab the weapon.

"No, Ghost, I'm sorry I have to do that to you. But not really." Elaine said flatly as she stood.

Sam went to go and grab the knife out of Cale when he felt himself grabbed from behind. His arms were pinned and he struggled against the unseen assailant.

"Good job, Elaine. I knew I had assigned you to the right one."

Sam's face contorted at the sound behind him. He barely glanced to his left, the person looking him square in the eyes.

"Hello." they said simply.


"And good night."

A quick crack to the back of his head and Sam was free falling into a dark nightmare.

cale "ghost" touluse, original fiction, orchids, nanowrimo, samuel beck

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