Konbanwa, minnasan, I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well! I'm battling one heck of a headache right now. Hoping that the medicine that I took is finally going to work! =^^=;;
I head back to work tomorrow. I have my first dental appointment on Tuesday afternoon, my second dental consultation Thursday and my physical on Friday. It's going to be a very busy week on top of Rally!
Ladybird (
renichifreak) had this fun little Icon Meme on her LJ. Most of my friends have already done this, so I'm actually not requiring anyone to participate. (I'm having trouble with getting the icons to show up too.) But I hope everyone enjoys my answer to Ladybird's icon selections!
- Reply to this post with the words COME BACK AGAIN and I will pick six of your icons.
- Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
- Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
- This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
Ah, my Jpop love of my life. GYM was truly the first JE group that I wholly supported even if they were only a temporary group. I thought Yamapi worked amazingly well with Golf and Mike. They were also my first "Official" OT3 and still are.
The Rain icon actually stemmed from a joke I had with my friend Mikki that we thought Rain's abs HAD to be the greatest gift and they were so fantastic, they must be from heaven. XD
I couldn't resist making my OT3 GYM icon out of the cutest picture of the trio together. I wanted them to be all curled up in a ball! This icon is also one of my oldest icons I still use.
Simply speaking, it's my favorite Yamapi picture I have. It's also the pic that has continually renewed my love of the YamaChun pairing. =^^=
Hiro Mizushima is my favorite J-actor, even surpassing (Gasp!) Saitou Takumi. I think he's beautiful, talented and he always has such a serene look on his face. It's what inspired the "Gentle" on the icon.
Once again, the gorgeous Hirokun. This is actually one of my newest icons. I like how dreamy it looks.
And that's it for now, minnasan! Ja ne! =~.^=V