Meme Fic Challenge: 10-25

Jul 29, 2010 14:57

Ohayo, minnasan, I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well1 I just got back from the dentist about an hour ago. Looks like it's going to be two months or so of continual visits to that place, but in least my dentist is nice and he's not trying to hurry me into doing everything at once. =^^=;;

To my friends who are going to Otakon, stay safe! I hope you all have a blast! (I'm looking at you especially Ladybird, you have a rocking time!)

In the mean time, shihan_ai had this really cool Meme that I decided to take part in. It was suprisingly tricky but well worth it. A great writing exercise for someone like me who tends to want to flesh out a whole idea before jotting it down. I hope everyone enjoys and ja ne for now! =~.^V

Step 1: Write down the names of 10 characters.

1. Yoochun
2. Yamapi
3. Yunho
4. Hangeng
5. Donghae
6. Hiro
7. Kevin
8. Siwon
9. Taebin
10. Seunghyun

Step 2: Write a fic of around twenty five words for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.

1. First Time (4&6)~Hangeng and Hiro

Hiro just smiles at Hangeng as the man tries to enunciate the very foreign Japanese words in the t.v. show's script.

2. Angst (7)~Kevin

It's always easy for him to smile at the camera. It's much harder for him to smile at himself in the unforgiving mirror.

3. AU (1&8)~Yoochun and Siwon

Siwon considers firing the new temp the office sent him. But Yoochun looks so sexy leaning over a copy machine.

4. Threesome (3,6,&9)~Yunho, Hiro, and Taebin

Taebin tried to figure out how he ended up between Yunho and Hiro, covered in sweat and come. Then he decided it didn't matter.

5. Hurt and Comfort (5&10)~Donghae and Seunghyun

Seunghyun stands next to Donghae as he says goodbye to Hangeng. He offers his arm because it's all he has to give.

6. Crack (1)~Yoochun

Yoochun sat in the pile of whipped cream and jello and wondered how he was going to explain this to Jaejoong.

7. Horror (10)~Seunghyun

Blood drips off Seunghyun's fists as he pushes Jiyong's limp body into the closet. He reminds himself to wash up later.

8. Baby Fic (5&9)~Donghae and Taebin

Taebin lets his little niece sit on Donghae's lap. He grins inwardly when Donghae looks sick after she spits up.

9. Dark (2&8)~Yamapi and Siwon

Siwon has never known real fear. But Yamapi's fingers dig into his wrists and he unwillingly submits for his own sake.

10. Romance (4&7)~Hangeng and Kevin

Kevin squeals like a girl when Hangeng hands him roses on the variety show. Hangeng secretly thinks it's pretty cute.

11. Deathfic (2&3)~Yamapi and Yunho

They have Yoochun to bind them. He is gone and they are still here. For now, it's enough for them to survive.

12. AU (8&9)~Siwon and Taebin

Taebin demands the name of his brother's slave. When they tell him it's Siwon, he remembers a legend of a great warrior with that name.

13. Dark (4&3)~Hangeng and Yunho

Hangeng throws Yunho to the ground and curses him in Chinese. Hatred blazes in his dark, unforgiving eyes.

14. Threesome (5,7,&1)~Donghae, Kevin and Yoochun

Kevin promises himself that next time Donghae and Yoochun invite him for a hot tub party, it had better not involve whipped cream and jello.

15. Amnesia (2&10)~Yamapi and Seunghyun

Yamapi stares at the Korean man and tries to remember why he's so important. But his mind is all white and empty.

16. Hurt and Comfort (8&6)~Siwon and Hiro

Hiro speaks to Siwon in English. He offers quiet sympathy for the tragic accident and the loss of his two lovers.

17. Crack (9&4)~Taebin and Hangeng

Hangeng really wished when he agreed to promotions, he wouldn't end up with someone he hardly knew wearing plush crab hats.

18. Genderswap (1&6)~Yoochun and Hiro

Yoochun always wondered why no one in Japan ever figured out the delicate gentleman was a female. But Hiro liked it that way.

19. First Time (2&7)~Yamapi and Kevin

Kevin offers Yamapi a bite of his barbecue chicken. It's too spicy but he thanks the youth in his accented English.

20. Angst (3&8)~Yuhno and Siwon

Siwon and Yunho stare up at the blazing building. There is nothing they can do but hear the others scream.

21. Baby fic (1)~Yoochun

Yoochun smiles for the photo with the toddler in his arms. He giggles when he sees Yamapi roll his eyes in disdain.

dbsk, yamapi, dong bang shin ki, yamashita tomohisa, meme, big bang, tvxq, hiro mizushima, t.o.p., super junior, fan fiction, u-kiss

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