Konbanwa, minnasan, I hope everyone out there in Cyberland is doing well! I just back from a very long and drawn out appointment with the dentist. Which is the "Downs" portion of this post.
Anyhoo, I've had a long history of having trouble with my teeth due to my medical problems. Some of it is from my medications post hysterectomy and some is caused from my hysterectomy. To make a long story short, my new dentist wants to do over 5 thousand dollars in dental work on my teeth in the next six months. Needless to say, I left the office with the desire to seek a second opinion, which is what I'll be doing next week. (No wonder dentists become so rich so fast! =-.-=)
For the Inbetweens, work is still at a bit of a stand still. I'm not unhappy but more of a just "blah" at this point in time. Where last week I would have quit had it not been for my insurance, this week I'm just kinda' peddling along with it. I'm sure it will get better again.
For the Ups, I have a nail salon appointment with a new salon on Friday afternoon! I called them and the girl was super friendly. They specialize in nail art, so I'm going to have them do my nails to match my Liz Lisa sweater dress I own. It's pastel pink, pastel yellow and white. I don't think they can do much in 3D designs, but those I'll apply myself.
And for even more Ups, for the BHAFAS members who read this post!
BHAFAS: The Hime Gyaru (Princess Gal) meeting is set for 2 p.m. on May 2nd in Spearfish Park. We will be meeting at the bandshell. Please bring a bento or sack lunch as well as a blanket to sit on. Weather is going to be questionable this whole weekend, so please also bring an umbrella as well as another pair of shoes if you don't want to get your nice ones dirty.
After lunch and the meeting, there will be a photoshoot providing weather holds out. Be ready for approximately an hours worth of pictures.
If you need inspiration for your hime style, please visit
Jesus Diamante or
Liz Lisa! Remember, though Hime and Lolita look similiar, they are not the same thing!
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
I hope everyone has a wonderful evening and ja ne for now! =~.^=V