Impasse/AAO!verse One-Shot Entry #1: Reminisce

May 01, 2009 14:23

By: renichifreak

PAIRINGS: HyukSu, Yoochun/Yamapi
NOTES: Written for miracleshining's "Impasse/AAO!verse" One-shot competition. All character reps belong to her.
WRITER'S NOTE: Bolded part at end of one-shot indicates text taken directly from "Impasse."

Harsh breathing echoed through the nearly empty training room as the three people laid on the mats, sweaty and exhausted, but happy to be in one another's presence after such a long time. Hand wraps, kicking mats, and punching bags were spread throughout the room, having been thoroughly used by the training area's occupants.

"Damn, it's been a while since I got my ass kicked that badly," the thin young man gasped.

"Liar..." muttered the wavy haired man. "I totally owned you last week."

"Now who's lying? Wasn't it you that was hobbling out of here?"

"How bout this?" the third larger built man spoke up. "You both lie, and I kicked both your asses just now like I kicked both your asses three years ago."

The three turned to look at each other before laughing. It had only been a few days since Yoochun had found and retrieved Kangin and brought him and his young fighter/trainer unit into Junsu's employ. Eunhyuk had been the first to know of the man's arrival, and the three had arranged some time to catch up...

...or in other words, beat the shit out of each other in a full-on sparring session.

"You'll lose eventually, Boss," Eunhyuk stated with conviction.

"Yeah," Yoochun agreed. "And it'll be to either Hyukkie, or me."

Kangin released a loud guffaw. "Oh please. Like hell will I lose to you two. Hell, I taught you 9/10 of what you know..."

"There's always that 1/10, Boss," Yoochun said, smirking tiredly.

The older man returned the look. "You got me there, Chunnie."

All was silent once again until Eunhyuk rolled onto his side and looked at the two. "It's been a while since we've been together, huh?"

"Three years," Yoochun said.

"No. It's been longer. We've all come so far from when we all met," Eunhyuk further elaborated. "Me and Chunnie have been together since school..."

"Heh. I'll bet you were little punks then, too," Kangin chuckled.


"What the hell! There's only two of 'em!" the gang leader yelled as he watched his entire crew go down at the hands of a 'toothpick', and a 'girl'. "Take them out!"

"Quit hiding behind these wimps and do it yourself," the more feminine one smirked, running a hand through his shoulder length deep brown waves before straightening his t-shirt, the material hugging his slender yet surprisingly strong body.

"He's too chicken shit to do anything," the tiny one stated, stretching out his insanely long and lean limbs with an unfathomable amount of flexibility.

The leader stared at the fallen crew before yelling out a shallow threat and running away. Before they could enjoy their victory, however, a voice yelled at them.

"Park Yoochun and Lee Hyukjae! What on earth did the two of you do this time?!" the teacher shouted, vein in her forehead infinitely larger than it had been when the duo had attended her class a mere hour ago.

The thin one, Hyukjae, shrugged. "Nothing, Ma'am. We were just defending outselves."

"From what?! I don't see a mark on either of you!" she fumed.

"Well, that would be because we're damn good at defending ourselves," Yoochun replied airily, smirking as he nearly expected to see smoke flood from their teacher's ears.

"You two. Detention. Now," the woman was able to force out through clenched teeth.


"Were not," Eunhyuk muttered, echoed by Yoochun's agreement.

Kangin scoffed, knowing his proteges far too well. "Keep telling yourselves that."

"We weren't bad guys, you know...we just, found a better use of our time, is all."


"...say what, now?" Yoochun asked, not sure if he had heard his friend correctly.

Hyukjae sighed dramatically. "Like I've said about a dozen times already. I was talking to Kim Junsu, and-"


"Focus, Chunnie. Kim Junsu. You know, my friend. The one that runs that underground gambling thing."

"Oh, him."

"Yeah, him. Anyway, he decided to try his hand at fighting. I mean, he bets all the time, but he wants to try sponsoring a fighter. I said I knew someone that could do it, and so wuddaya say?"

"You mean, you want me to do it?" Yoochun asked, pointing at himself.

Hyukjae nodded. "You're a better fighter than I am, and with me as your trainer, we'd never lose." He paused. "C'mon Chunnie, give it a try."

"This doesn't have anything to do with that crush that you have on him, does it?"

He blushed bright red, but shook his head. "It's not like that. Besides, I kinda owe him for getting me out of trouble a few weeks ago."

Yoochun looked at his oldest friend for a few minutes before sighing. "Okay, where and when?"

"Really?! Just meet me at my dorm tonight. Su said that if you agreed, he'd pick us up there," the young man explained, excited.


A new voice entered the conversation, drawing the attention of the three. "And I suppose you define 'better use of your time' as illegal fights and getting into a situation bad enough to need a new identity?" Junsu asked. The last part was aimed solely at Eunhyuk, who at least had the decency to look slightly ashamed.


"FUCK!" Hyukjae yelled, clearly panicked. "Shit, what the hell do I do now?!"

"Hyuk, just calm down," Junsu soothed, placing his hands on the smaller boy's shoulders. "It'll be okay, I swear."

"How?! We used my name! They were never supposed to catch on!! I can't afford to go to jail, Su!"

"He's right, Hyukkie, it'll be okay somehow," Yoochun agreed, trying to think of a way out.

"I know people," Junsu said suddenly. "I'm sure if I look hard enough, I can find someone that can help you change your name so that they can't touch you."

"You-you'd do that...?" he asked, calming down slightly.

"It's partly my fault. I promise that I'll make everything okay, alright? All you need to do is worry about choosing a new name."

"How 'bout Eunhyuk?" Yoochun suggested. "You kinda look like an Eunhyuk." He chuckled. "Plus, I can still call you Hyukkie."

Hyukjae released a shaky laugh as Junsu pulled him in to a reassuring hug. "Yeah. I like that."

"Eunhyuk it is, then."


"That was more your fault than mine, Junsu," Eunhyuk pointed out as the man took a seat next to him.

"You have me there. Now, what's going on in here?"

"We're reminiscing," Yoochun explained to their employer.

"Mind if I join you? It's always interesting to learn about people."

Kangin quirked an eyebrow, but shrugged. "It is, huh?"


Kangin downed yet another shot of the horribly bitter liquid in a single throat constricting gulp.

Of all the fighters he had come across lately, none had what he was looking for. They were either too cocky, or not cocky enough. His utter frustration was beginning to show while testing the potential fighters, and it was that same frustration that had driven him to his current location, wishing to drown himself for one night. It would be awhile until his own team would return from the current circuit, but he never needed to worry about those two. The only problem he faced now was finding someone to live up to the exceptionally high standards he had gained after training a pair such as them.

Deciding that he'd had enough and realizing that any more and he would be unfit to train a dog, he rose to his feet and went to leave when he heard the obvious sounds of a fight coming from the back of the bar. Heading out, he watched what appeared to be a rather large group of armed thugs get reamed by what appeared to be two kids. One, a thin yet powerful young man, swung a fist, connecting in just the right spot to knock out the man that had advanced on him. A yell of how to attack a man sneaking up on his blind spot drew Kangin's eye to the other one. He was practically a twig, yet the flexibility that his lithe body possessed allowed him to bend at near impossible angles, giving him the ability to twist around the man that was roughly the size of three of him and deliver a vicious left hook that took the man down immediately. His eyes, however, read everything that was happening around him, and Kangin would not have been surprised if the boy knew that he was there watching.

It wasn't until the entire group was in various stages of unconsciousness that Kangin began clapping as he stepped out of the shadows, drawing the pair's attention.

"Nice job."

"Who're you?" the long haired one asked as his partner straightened out his fitted t-shirt.

"The name's Kangin. I own the training center down the way. Who're you two, and what was that about?"

"I'm Eunhyuk, and this is my friend Yoochun. They just thought we wanted to hang with them in a much more intimate sense."

Looking at the two, Kangin honestly couldn't say that he blamed them, especially in regards to Yoochun.

"You two were amazing. Ever think of fighting or training professionally?"

"We kind of already do," Yoochun answered.

"Ever hear of Xiah Junsu?"

"What trainer hasn't? He's it if you wanna be a fighter or trainer around here."

Yoochun tilted his head and looped his hair around his ear. "You're a trainer? Anyone we know?"

"I said I owned the center, didn't I?" he chuckled.

"Funny. I meant, are you still active?"

"Yeah, but my team is overseas right now. I have to stay here with the center." He paused to look at the two before continuing. "I've actually been looking for people with your talent. Interested in hearing me out?"

Eunhyuk and Yoochun looked at each other before turning back to Kangin.


Junsu's laughter echoed throughout the room as Kangin just glared. "It's not as funny as you're making it out to be, ya know..."

"On the contrary. You met them at a bar. I think it's absolutely hysterical!"

"It is pretty funny, Boss, given your current situation," Yoochun shrugged.

The older man huffed, turning away. "I stopped, didn't I?"

"Yeah, thank God," he replied, nudging the elder trainer with his elbow. "You're not nearly as entertaining drunk."

"Whatever, you brat," he muttered, returning the elbow with one of his own. "You're not exactly the life of the party, either, ya know..."


"Dammit, I hate that bastard," he slurred, throwing back a swig of the terrible tasting liquid.

"Who?" Kangin asked, slowly dragging the few remaining bottles closer to him and away from the other man.

Tomo...he's stupid, and I hate him," Yoochun hiccupped.

Chuckling a bit at the pout on the young man's face, the older trainer took a drink himself. "You know, Chunnie. With everything I keep hearing about this Tomo guy, I'm not sure I want you two dating."

He blinked owlishly at his mentor. "Huh? How come?"

"All I hear about is all the fights you two get into."

"Because he's stupid."

"And you're not?"

"...I don't know if I like what you're implying...he's stupid, and an idiot, and stubborn, and needs to block better on his right side."

Kangin blinked. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Nothing. He just needs to block better on his right side."

Shaking his head, the trainer snatched the bottle from Yoochun's hand. "I think you've had enough."

"Have not," he mumbled before stealing back the bottle and swallowing it in one go. "Bastard's lucky that I love him so much, let me tell you..."

"Yeah," Kangin smiled, ruffling the younger man's longer hair. "Lucky him."


"That had to be one of the most entertaining relationships I've ever had the joy of witnessing," Eunhyuk chuckled, Junsu agreeing.

"Yeah, well try living through it...that man is simply frustrating."

"And Changmin's a walk in the park."

"I wouldn't talk, Hyuk. Your current relationship beats mine any day."

Junsu, shocked, turned wide eyes onto his friend. "What relationship?!"

Eunhyuk turned to Yoochun, panicked. "Yeah, what relationship?!"

"Sorry 'bout that. I was referring to your crush."

"You have a crush on someone?" the gambler asked, pinning Eunhyuk with a curious and playful stare. "Who is it?"

Not knowing what else to do, Eunhyuk looked down at his wrist and exclaimed, "Oh, look at the time! I have to go do...something!" Getting up, he ran out of the room, Junsu hot on his heels.

"Who is it?!"

"No one!"

Once they were gone, Yoochun turned to Kangin. "That was a lame excuse."

Kangin nodded. "Prob'ly would've worked better if he actually wore a watch."



"Would you just tell him already?" Yoochun sighed as Eunhyuk continued to sulk after missing Junsu's call.

"Tell who what?"

"God, even I noticed that you're totally stupid in love with the guy," Kangin commented, laughing at the blush that spread onto his protege's cheeks.

"I am not..." he tried denying, but deflated at the knowing looks on his friends' faces. "Fine, I am, but it really doesn't matter."

"Why not?"

"I'm his best friend, nothing more and nothing less. As long as we're together, I'm happy."

"You sound like a cheesy greeting card, Hyuk," Kangin replied.

"What the hell, Boss! I just spilled my feelings and you compare them to a greeting card?!"

"Yeah, pretty much," he shrugged.

Glaring at the two. Eunhyuk muttered, "I hate you both," before throwing a powerful roundhouse to the large punching bag in front of him.


"I take it they still aren't together," Kangin stated more than asked.

Yoochun laughed. "Nope, but it's only a matter of time before he snaps."

"How 'bout you, Chunnie? You still with that Tomo guy? And who's Changmin?"

"Me and Tomo are done...and Min's the guy I'm with now."

"He treating you any better than Tomo did?"

"We fight, but not nearly as much as me and Tomo. He works here now, you know. He's Junsu's Kendo star."

Kangin's brows lifted. "You mean, that Yamashita guy?"

"Yup. Changmin's his trainer."

"How about you? I saw that Hyuk has Hangeng."

"I have Golf and Mike. You know, the Muay Thai fighters."

"I've seen them fight. They're good."

"Speaking of which, I need to see if they need anything," he said, getting to his feet. Before he walked out of the training room, however, he stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Good to have you back, Kangin."

Smiling back, he nodded. "Good to be back, Chunnie."

After the younger man's departure, Kangin stood up, deciding that a drink was in order.


Kangin frowned as he sat on the floor in Junsu's private training room. The bottle he had been drinking out of was long empty and his mouth was watering for more alcohol. His head already felt foggy and his thoughts were a little out of sorts. The feeling was a strange mix of sorrow and elation. He sighed quietly and groggily turned his head to the sound of footsteps. His mildly drunk eyes made out the hazy image of a taller man with nearly white hair framing his face.


hanhae, super junior, fan fiction, contest, !verse, against all odds, impasse

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