Thirty Days of Doctor Who meme: Day 23 - 30

Aug 28, 2010 00:17

I attend a Developmental Biology lecture every Friday afternoon - FOR FUN AND LEARNING YES I DO - and today the professor was talking about REGENERATION. Well, all I could think of the entire 10 minutes he was talking about it was HAVE YOU SEEN DOCTOR WHO and TEN GREW A NEW HAND HE'S LIKE A LIZARD AND HIS HANDY TURNED INTO A HUMAN-BIOLOGICAL CLONE METACRISIS THINGY and DID YOU SEE TEN REGENERATE INTO ELEVEN and OH WOW REGENERATION!!!

So that should be my cue to finish the 30-day DW meme which is seriously overdue!

Day 23 - A Who-Related YouTube Video

The meme has so far lacked attention for Nine, so here's something to make up for it. This is a video made by autumnjoy; it's about the relationship between Nine and Rose, and is set to the song "Never Saw Blue Like That Before". I really like the videos she's done; I tried to look for the other videos she used to make, but none are on youtube and the download links are all expired save one (Megaupload link still works) which is also a Doctor/Rose one. Anyway, enjoy the Nine/Rose one that I managed to find.

image Click to view

Day 24 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

Our super trio backstage at the proms. BECAUSE THEY MAKE ME LAUGH.

Day 25 - Favourite Who Actor

Let me first say that I really have grown to adore Matt Smith after episode 1 of Series 5. BUT, David Tennant has got to be my favourite. That enthusiasm that Matty has is multiplied many times in David, and the whole backstory of him wanting to be an actor because of watching Doctor Who is a story I will never tire of. The introduction he wrote for the Specials DVD was marvellous. His devotion and love for the show and the boyish glee he exhibits at all the new experiences you can only achieve when doing Who endears him to me. Although I love him best as the Doctor, he is such a tremendous, marvellous actor outside of Who as well. I am yet to be disappointed by any other role he has been done that I have watched (don't mention Rex, he was good but the writing was not). PLUS, like beingfacetious put it, his smile is cuter than most puppies.

Day 26 - Favourite Who Actress

I had a hard time choosing this. I mean, New Who has had some pretty fabulous actresses so far, companions and guest stars alike. I try to watch other stuff that they've been in, like the time I slogged through I don't know how many hours of Underworld to watch Sophia Myles and seen countless sketches from The Catherine Tate Show, and I do quite adore Billie. As of right now I think Karen Gillan's pretty fantastic because I love what she's doing as Amy Pond, plus she's crazy (the good sort) and so much fun and so gorgeous. (THIS CATEGORY CHANGES OFTEN WITH TIME, IT DOES.)

Day 27 - An Episode You Wish Hadn’t Been Made

Series 5 Episode 9. YOU KNOW THE ONE.

Day 28 - An Episode Idea You Created Yourself

Hahahahahahahaha. My fanfic skills are still in its developing stages so I can't actually say I have a full-fledged story to last an episode. NEXT!

Day 29 - Who You Think Should Be the Next Doctor

An (yet) unknown British actor. Someone who's fresh and new and not been in too many things we've seen but is still very very very good. Basically what Matty was when he was announced to the world as the new Doctor. Surprise me, BBC.

In truth, I could wish for Colin Morgan to be the next Doctor ... he played Jethro in Midnight so I don't know how far you can carry a duplicate face as the new Doctor because only the new companions have been returning actors, not the Doctor. He's Northern Irish but he does a very believable English accent. Still, he's the main star of BBC's Merlin, and even though most people who love Who will like Merlin (like I do), to be two leads in two of the BBC's most current popular shows? He is a VERY GOOD ACTOR, though. So who knows? I could also wish Bradley James who's also from Merlin to play the Doctor, but no. Too much pretty going on there, which I love, but I don't know ... won't seem to fit what we think the Doctor is like, does he? BUT I LOVE THE PREEEEETTTTTY.

Day 30 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

How's about some of our favourite Bernard Cribbins and one last chance for a massive gif-spam? :D

(Yes, I was trying to tell a crack!story with the gifs.)

The rest of the days
Day 01 - Your Favourite Quote
Day 02 - Your Favourite Classic Series Episode: Confessions, and extra Hamlet
Day 03 - Your Favourite New Series Episode: My Top Five (that probably changes over and over)
Day 04 - Your Favourite Doctor: Ten!
Day 05 - Your Favorite Companion: Rose.
Day 06 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy: A David & Matty mini-picspam
Day 07 - Your Favorite Piece of Music: Where Murray Gold is lauded for Vale Decem, Rose's Theme and Doomsday. Series 5 Doctor's theme makes the honourable mentions list.
Day 08 - A Who-Related Photo That Makes You Happy: The happy things the Who cast do
Day 09 - A Who-Related Photo That Makes You Angry/Sad: "David Who?" makes me go :/
Day 10 - A Who-Related Photo That You Took: My first piece of Who merch.
Day 11 - Your Favourite Season (Classic or New): Series 2 (with Series 4 very close behind)
Day 12 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy: GIFS TICKLE MY FANCY.
Day 13 - Your Favourite Villain: THE MASTER, OF COURSE.
Day 14 - The Villain Who Scared You the Most: The Weeping Angels and the unknown from Midnight
Day 15 - Favourite Who-Related Tumblr: I don't follow one.
Day 16 - Your Favourite Who-Related FanFic: I listed FIVE.
Day 17 - A Piece of Who-Related FanArt: Timelord owls, doctorwhy and infant crimefighters (aka tw_babiez)
Day 18 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy: Sherlock & the Doctor, plus some bonus wee Arthur Darvill talking to sock puppets (it's truuuuuuuuuuuue!)
Day 19 - The Episode That Made You Cry The Most: Doomsday, Journey's End and The End of Time.
Day 20 - The Character Who Is Most Like You: Rory?
Day 21 - Your Doctor Who OTP: DOCTOR/ROSE OF COURSE.
Day 22 - A Who-Related Fan-Site: doctor_rose_fix

david tennant *squeeeeeeeeee*, doctor who, 30 days of dw meme

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