Ugh, one of these days I'm really gonna have to start updating sooner! I haven't touch this thing in a good long while! I've mostly been working on my part for the talent show, but I guess I've been slightly inattentive
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Sounds like you're quite dedicated to your project.
Well, if you manage to get the cards, you can. Though, that's if you manage to get the cards you need. Regardless, I think you'll have a lot of fun not only trying the decks out, but trying to get the cards you want.
Of course! I'm showing off my talents, after all! I just need to keep telling myself to stay focused!
I think the only problem I'll have obtaining cards is probably either with Machiners or Genex. V to Z has been out for a while, so have Ancient Gears...
You could always have more than one deck... I had something around 5 at one time, I think. Hah.
Ooooh, sounds like a lot of fun! I might end up making multiple decks!
Even if you don't keep all of them, it can be fun just to see how each idea might work on its own.
There's so many good machine archetypes I'll have to try them all! Thought Genex does seem a lot cooler than I first thought.
Well, if you manage to get the cards, you can. Though, that's if you manage to get the cards you need. Regardless, I think you'll have a lot of fun not only trying the decks out, but trying to get the cards you want.
I think the only problem I'll have obtaining cards is probably either with Machiners or Genex. V to Z has been out for a while, so have Ancient Gears...
I guess go after the easy decks first, then work your way up to the newer decks?
Maybe! I'm not sure what order I'm gonna build the decks... I do love V to Z and Machiner's aesthetics, though.
Well, you are a mecha loving girl, so that's no surprise.
Heheh. I suppose!
Let me know if I can help with anything.
I will, thanks Erland!
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