Long time no write

Mar 17, 2006 15:29

I know, I know. I haven't been on in what seems like forever. Work has been good. Crazy busy, but good. That's really what is keeping me from doing what I want to do because that is when I normally get my computer time. Other than, I have been busy with everyday life things. Nothing too extreme, but when I have a busy day, I rarely feel like doing anything when I get home, which I assume everyone can relate to.

I have been doing a small bit of reading, I tried to teach a girl I know how to crochet, but I think she is a little...slower in the "learn to be crafty" area. She seems smart otherwise, she just wouldn't hold her hands like I told her to! I have been crocheting a little myself, but it just seems like I just don't have the erge to, you know? I have to make a hat and scarf as well as a "fun" hat for ennervation and I am a complete slacker on it! I am so sorry. I was suppost to go see "The Colbert Report" in New York, but I dropped the ball there, too. I am so sorry. Other than that, mostly is getting my room dirty and not cleaning it all the way, which is getting on my nerves, so I may do a "real" clean next week.

Suprisingly my hair is being better than it normally is. I thank Marajean and her christmas blow dryer for it.

Last night I did make what I like to call "banana fudgesicle fudge" It tastes like a...can you guess...BANANA FUDGESICLE! (aka - chocolate covered banana) everyone loves it and everyone wants to know the recipe which is SO EASY IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. I made it for Marc's boss James who is having surgery (on his finger).

I am so excited about seeing Coldplay in April. Which reminds me to check a playlist of what they will be playing.

Marajean may be coming up in August for her birthday!

According to Kelly at work, I am "bouncing off the wall" today. I would like to say I am "playing the light fantastic". Yes. Exactly.

work, fudge, light fantastic, crochet, concert

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