Starcrossed Trading Card Game Logs March

Apr 02, 2008 20:43


LOG ✩ march
→ received two cards from lucky colours round 05 : whip 18. treasure 07.
→ received three cards from costume round 05 : automail 11. wingly 12. super 04.
→ received three cards from pass the pigs race 01 : club 01. persona 02. double 17.

→ received two cards from seiyuu guess round 06 : double 06. dragon 14.
→ received two cards from quotable round 06 : amulet 18. black 18.

→ received three cards from guess the video game round 04 : rebirth 03. dowser 02. s-male → colonel 18.
→ received two cards from freebies round 07 : judgement 06. loyal 19.

→ received two cards from quotable round 07 : automail 14. armor 20.
→ received three cards from card claim : dowser 12. light 12. training 09.

→ received four cards from creature round 04 : research 17. crystal 08. chosen 20. s-rainbow01 → club 10.

→ received two cards from freebie round 08 : mechanic 11. paper 13.
→ received two cards from guess the anime round 08 : katz 12. dream 04.
→ received one card from lucky colours round 06 : s-rainbow01 → club 11.
→ apparently referred skittlestemple

→ took ten cards from 3/17 news post : double 01. amulet 04. arbiter 10. bear 12. kuroneko 12. pyon 18. forehead 05. guitar 01. hat 14. s-puzzle → null (traded away).
→ took two cards from the 3/16 quick update : s-green → scruffy 12. s-member.
→ received two cards from quotable round 09 : guitar 14. kuroneko 12.
→ received two cards from freebie round 09 : flower 14. arbiter 20.

→ received six cards from spot the differences round 01 : gotei 18. bracelet 10. armor 05. forehead 14. shadows 02. inorganic 06.
→ received six cards from a-maze-ing round 01 : smoke 17. nyoron 11. switch 02. daijobu 02. keyblade 14. armor 19.
→ received four cards from costume round 09 : scruffy 16. club 05. treasure 18. nurse 14.
→ received four cards from creature round 05 : kuroneko 14. keyblade 02. scruffy 05. s-rainbow01 → club 14.

→ level two GET.
→ received three cards for leveling : rebirth 03. journey 12. scruffy 03.
→ received two cards from guess the anime round 10 : double 03. dawn 13.
→ received two cards from freebies round 10 : timid 02. eggplant 20.

TRADE ✩ march
→ traded tongari 14 for judgement 14; ladybrighid333

→ traded member card for member card; glorious

→ traded flower 12, wingly 09, and member card for judgement 10, judgement 20, and member card; cookie_pixie
→ traded tiara 07 for scruffy 20; kittycatmew
→ traded keyblade 02 and keyblade 14 for double 18 and double 20; slashed_dream
→ traded small 05 for scruffy 19; rhap_chan
→ traded amulet 18, judge 01, and rebirth 03 for judgement 17, scruffy 13, and kuroneko 16; demyx
→ traded angel 01 for kuroneko 05; kittycatmew
→ traded sniper 15 for leader 17; cakemix
→ traded digger 11, persona 02, and persona 14 for double 08, yoyo 04, and guitar 08; experienced
→ traded gotei 02 and gotei 18 for double 13 and judgement 07; lucathia_rykatu
→ traded depressed 18, nyoron 03, training 03, and training 09 for chosen 02, forehead 17, leader 15, and pyon 08; popsixx

logs, sctcg

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