tcg table template ten : code;

Jan 13, 2009 13:16

master list
live preview

To use, simply select all of the code within in the text area below (you can use ctrl+a to select all easily), and then copy and paste into your card post. Be sure to replace all [URL HERE], [YOUR NAME], [CARDS], etc with actual links/names/images.

Images (optional): right-click and save, upload to your own host!

Notes: This is one of the old codes I had for my starcrossed_tcg post at one point. Like the other table coded for that tcg, this is probably best suited for people who don't have a huge pile of cards/collecting decks yet, otherwise your post will get very, very long (unless you adjust the width to something much wider).

The coding for the collecting deck section can also be a little tricky if you're not paying attention or familiar with css, especially if you adjust the width to fit two or three decks next to each other (despite the preview, the posted coding is set to have only deck per row, since anime lj tcg cards are much bigger).

If you don't adjust the width, and leave it as is with one deck per row, then please take note that your first deck has coding for border-top, border-left, and border-right; likewise, your bottom deck has border-bottom, border-left, and border-right. If you add any decks in between these, then every new deck will need coding for border-left and border-right, otherwise you will have borderless middle sections.

If you are adjusting the width to add two decks per row, then your coding will be a tiny bit more complicated. Your top left deck will need coding for border-top and border-left; your top-right deck will need coding for border-top and border-right. Any middle decks on the left will need coding for border-left only, and any middle right decks will need coding for border-right only. And as you can probably guess, bottom left decks will need border-bottom and border-left and bottom right border-bottom and border-right.

I'll leave you to figure out how to do borders for three decks per row, but as a hint--any middle decks in middle rows won't need any border coding at all.

And on an unrelated note, the coding for the trade terms section is one giant block of text on purpose. For any new headings you want to add, please take note of how the other headings are done and copy/paste accordingly. If you try to put each heading on its own line to make things look neater, you will have giant spaces under each bottom border.

, please refer me if you join!

Join Date:
Card Count: 000 // level


collecting | deck | 00 | deck | 00
a deck here
and a deck there

future decks
yay cards

member cards | 00
yay cards

certificates | 00
x00 x 00 x00

trading decks
yay cards

pending decks
none at the moment

trade terms
CURRENT ✩ blah blah blahFUTURE ✩ blah blah blahMEMBER ✩ blah blah blahCERTS ✩ blah blah blahTRADING ✩ blah blah blah

omg logs

« older logs

coding →" target="new">replica

If you have any questions about the table or coding specific to this template, you may leave a comment here and I'll try to answer it as soon as I can :] And if it's been a while and I haven't answered you, please feel free to prod me with a stick. Chances are I've forgotten.

Also, it's extremely helpful if you can post your code in between a if you're asking for help about messed up coding (you may need to split your code into two+ comments to fit it all in). Thanks :3

code, templates

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