01. Crediting - I require credit when taking icons. Please credit
miracle_icons or
xxmiraclexx and Credit in your keywords next to my icons.
02. Editing - Textless icons ARE NOT bases for you to take and alter to your liking. If I have blanks of a certain icon and you'd like me to customize it for you, please comment to the post where the icon is and ask.
03. DO NOT HOTLINK - Hotlinking is stealing and it's wrong. Simply right-click on the icon and save it to your hard drive. Thanks.
04. Feel free to friend this journal, I’ll add you back.
05. I cannot teach you how to use PS, PSP or any other graphics program. I cannot teach you how to install programs into your computer. I cannot teach you how to upload a mood theme. I won't teach you how to install brushes and gradients into your computer. . Also, please don't request a tutorial. When I feel like posing one, I will. Don't badger me and ask when I’m going to post icons/goodies etc. Have some patience.
06. If you'd like to affiliate with
miracle_icons please comment to
THIS POST ONLY. Only graphic journals.
07. Please don't ask me what specific font/brush/etc. I used on an icon. I don't keep track, and all my credits are in the resource post, which can be found
08. Please comment and let me know what you think. I love feedback, both positive and negative. Please be respectful and give constructive criticism. Don't bash me for no reason. I don’t require that you comment when taking an icon, but the comment make me happy.
10. When nominating my icons comment somewhere to let me know where and when you nominate me. Thanks!
11. DO NOT take ANY of my graphics and pass them off as your own. I work very hard on my art and stealing is always wrong. Plus you'll get caught and ... just don't do it.
12. Wallpapers, collages and other larger pieces are for desktop only. Do not ask permission to take it and make a layout/header/textures/etc. from it. The answer is always NO.
13. Headers can be taken by anyone. If someone requests a header, I will put the person's LJ name on it and therefore it's for them only. But if I decide to make a bunch of general headers and post them, they can be snagged by anyone. Please credit us in your userinfo if you're using one of my headers. Do not alter the headers. Do not ask if you can, the answer is NO. Do not hotlink the header. Save it to your hard drive and upload it somewhere.
Brushes, textures, etc:
01. Please comment and let me know you took them.
02. Credit whoever made the goodies in your userinfo or resource post.
03. DO NOT redistribute them as your own. I work hard to make these things for you and expect you to be respectful.
04. DO NOT hotlink .jpg images or .zip files.
05. All textures are made from stock images, all brushes are made by hand. Don't ask me how to make them.
01. DO NOT ask me for something. I will open requests on my own time with my own terms.
02. You MUST reply to a request post only. I require you supply me with screencaps, photos, text, and any other specifications.
03. I take requests for headers, lj userinfo graphics and icons. Don’t ask me to make a mood theme or large extravagant wallscroll. I may also do wallpapers.
04. Credit is required and for headers/userinfo graphics credit is required in the userinfo.
05. I will specify what fandoms (etc.) I take requests for. If the request is something I’m not aware of or don't care for, I have the right to deny the request.
01. DO NOT ask me to post a tutorial for a specific icon. I'll post tutorials when I feel like.
02. Tutorials are guidelines, Do Not make the exact same icon posted in the tutorial. The point of a tutorial is to help you, not for you to rip off someone's style and copy everything exactly. Please be creative. The first sign I see of people abusing my tutorials, they will be taken down and I'll never make one again. Be mindful and respectful. Thank you.
Any questions/comments regarding the rules should be left at this post and this post only. If you ask a question that's already been covered in one of the rules sections, your comment will be ignored. Please read the rules carefully before snagging anything and/or asking a question. Thank you.