Timeline: Week One

Apr 17, 2008 18:59

Day 32: Wednesday
Intro: Claire wakes up in Landels.

Sunroom: Claire briefly encounters Nathan in the Sunroom, much to her surprise. But his appearance only gives her more questions than answers and before she can ask them, she's led away for lunch.

Lunch: Clark finds Claire at lunch, and while she doesn't remember meeting him before, he does his best to fill her in on what happens in this place.

As darkness falls, Claire slips out of her room to do some exploring on her own. Luckily, she bumps into Clark before she gets very far. They decide to head upstairs but there's a fight happening in the hall ahead, so they turn down an adjoining hall instead.

They break into the Disciplinary Therapy Corridor and get cornered by a leftover. Clark tries to protect Claire, and Claire tries to distract the monster so Clark can get away.


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