Title: SUPER (but junior) GODS from the East
Chapter: 13/16
Characters: DBSK, Super Junior, CSJH The Grace
Genre: mutant!AU, action/adventure, friendship
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In which all 18 boys have super powers, and are forced to learn to use them to defend themselves when a powerful enemy kidaps some of their own. Being a teenager has never been this hard.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters nor the concept of the powers. I also realise other writers may have had the same type of story before; please rest assured that I'm not trying to plagiarise your ideas!
A/N: this is a new mutant power series that I'm currently writing. I've also written a few related oneshots earlier.
I'm sorry for taking so long! Hope you guys like this chapter :D
Siwon looks up from his clasped hands. “So…what are we going to do?” It’s not a question of whether they are going to do something about it, because the alternative is simply not permissible, and they all realise it and agree silently.