Title : Obsession Won’t Kill You
Pairing(s) : HanChul, Kangteuk, oneside!SiBum, YeWon, Kyumin
Rating : PG~PG-15
Genre :AU, chaptered, cross-over (with DBSK)
Disclaimer : Of course I’ll only have them in my dream
Warning : rape, incest, paedophillia, grammar error, unbeta-ed
Summary : Being kept for 4 years, suddenly Heechul found himself in the street with a warm blanket covering him and a map contain everything related to him. So once again his life begin..
A/N : I'm still lacking with third POV. Feel free and please do point out if I make some mistake.
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Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 :
“Everyone can have one or two abnormal things with them, so why can’t I?”