Title: You'll Always Be My Hyung
Rating: General
Pairing: HenWook, TeukWook, KangTeuk
A/N: My apologies for this late addition! :( I've also further developed on the story so now, there's YET another part more to go... :x
The door creaked open and Ryeowook barged in before the doctor could even go out. He held Kyuhyun close to his chest and cried endlessly. He called out for his dongsaeng’s name several times but to no avail. The machoistic Kangin wanted to stomp in and pull Ryeowook away but Leeteuk stopped him, “Let him be.” When Ryeowook was finally tired of all that crying, he pleaded for the last time, “Kyuhyun… I don’t want to be the eternal magnae anymore. I just want to be your hyung.”
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